Will all skins get updated with new timeline

9 years ago
346 posts
Hi guys,

Will all skins get updated with the new Timeline activity function of the FollowMe skin

Hi guys just curious if at any time soon the other skins profile page will get updated with the new Timeline activity that's in the FollowMe skin profile page...I'm not worrying about the index page

Or is this only for FollowMe stand alone skin and we all have to bare with the old activity  layout :(

Just want to know before I go all crazy and customize  my skin even more ;)

updated by @boplive: 02/18/17 09:40:49AM
9 years ago
7,790 posts
Some might, but probably not all. Not each skin is designed to do the same thing. Follow Me is the first skin designed around the timeline as the focal point.

If thats something you're after use that skin.

Some things will find their way into the existing timeline, like the updates to the "Media URL Scanner".
9 years ago
346 posts
Yeah I am.but also was trying to add the iskin4 item sliders to that FollowMe skin config file but what I was adding from the iskin4 cause a blank page..I tried it a few times..went blank

So I'll try something else
9 years ago
7,790 posts
means there is an error in the code you're adding, like a missing closing {/if} or something. Check the error log for details.
9 years ago
346 posts
Will do thnx Michael :)

Sometimes it's just the simple things!
9 years ago
346 posts
Oh wow...I was browsing through the demo skins and saw some of the skins with some details of the FollowMe profile added..is there an update soon to these skins you guys are sending out in the marketplace..+

If it is..fantastic :)
9 years ago
7,790 posts
There's a big update coming soon, JR6. Its in the beta now.

Initially only the Follow Me skin will have the Timeline on the homepage setup. Not sure any of the other skins will get it too.

There are other updates that will effect other skins though, like the URL Scan module updates and the timeline quick audio, video, gallery add functions.
9 years ago
917 posts
ISkin, MSkin, Mogul, BeatSlinger, Celebrity, Maestro, ESkin, The Post and Fan Club will all have similar timelines but not on the index page.
updated by @nate: 11/19/16 01:58:31PM
