solved List of blog posts

9 years ago
88 posts
I'm new on Jamroom, so I'm sorry if my question is silly.

Our site is in the middle of the transition from ning. We are using NingJa skin.

Our members write many blog posts.
Is it possible to have a page where we will have only the list of titles of our blog posts? Or at least the short beginning of their blog posts?
In the attachment is the part of our old ning site where we have only titles without text.

I tried to build similar page using Site Builder, but I couldn't find anything that I might use. When I use default blog page, I see whole blog posts. Scrolling down to find some blog posts might be annoying, especially that many blog posts are quite long with images.

I would be grateful if you could suggest where I can make needed changes.

blogs.jpg  •  52KB

updated by @joanna: 12/31/16 12:38:55AM
9 years ago
7,784 posts
Hi Joanna, no question is silly, ask away.

Sure it is possible, there is very little that isn't possible, but there are often many ways to do the same thing which can be quite confusing at first.

You're wanting a list of something, so you're probably interested in either a template function to do that: {jrCore_list}

Docs: "{jrCore_list}"

OR an interface way to access that, which is the "Site Builder" "Item List" widget.

Docs: Site Builder -> Table of Contents

Docs: " Site Builder ยป Adding a new Widget : Widget: Item List"

Either of those will give you a list of blog posts. Since you're wanting to adjust the structure of what gets output by the results of the list, then you're wanting a custom template.

You can add a custom template to either of the methods above, by adding a template="some-template.tpl" addition to the request.

Here's the easiest way to do it for you I'm guessing:

WIDGET: Item list
TEMPLATE: custom

Click the "click to load default template" link beneath "Custom Template". That will load the default version of the list template. Then scroll down until you find line 41 which reads:
delete that and click SAVE CHANGES.

Deleting that line will only effect this specific widget. All you're doing is deleting the body of the blog from being displayed in this list and keeping everything else the same.

You can open up that widget again and fiddle with the layout until you get it exactly as you like it.
9 years ago
88 posts
Hi Michael :)
You're a rock star.
Yes, this is what I wanted to have.
I used the Site Builder and it works perfectly.
Thank you.

And now I also know that I can upload existing template and make changes there. I thought I have to create my own new template for each widget if I want to change something.

