How do I allow offsite downloads?
I have pedigrees for my dogs uploaded to my site-I want anyone who would like to download the pedigree pdf's to be able to view them...
I do not see anything in quota settings for this...but last night I had a user interested in puppies write and tell me he could not download the pedigree files... so i tried from my iphone and got some sort of error message that said
"Not available for offsite download"
How do I quickly fix this so that ANYONE on the site can download my files?
Note-I just signed out of my site then tried to download from my PC using Google Chrome and the files seem to download ok...but when I try from iphone 6 plus I get this exact message
ERROR: Offsite Media Downloads Are Blocked
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/15/16 05:14:22PM