solved FILE MODULE-Allowing Offsite Downloads

9 years ago
1,353 posts
How do I allow offsite downloads?
I have pedigrees for my dogs uploaded to my site-I want anyone who would like to download the pedigree pdf's to be able to view them...
I do not see anything in quota settings for this...but last night I had a user interested in puppies write and tell me he could not download the pedigree files... so i tried from my iphone and got some sort of error message that said
"Not available for offsite download"
How do I quickly fix this so that ANYONE on the site can download my files?
Note-I just signed out of my site then tried to download from my PC using Google Chrome and the files seem to download ok...but when I try from iphone 6 plus I get this exact message
ERROR: Offsite Media Downloads Are Blocked
updated by @derrickhand300: 12/15/16 05:14:22PM
9 years ago
1,353 posts
I could not find the answer by searching the forum for
ERROR: Offsite Media Downloads Are Blocked
I did however find the answer by entering that in Google Search
The answer was to add
ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS in system core>global config>allowed domains
Just a suggestion-it would be better if when searching the jamroom site directly that the search results would show up in Jamroom and not have to open a new window to search using google...thats always confused me exactly why jamroom search does not find so many things...
The other suggestion would be a checkbox in FILES>quota config that allows the downloads- would have saved a great deal of time-thanks!
9 years ago
2,584 posts
I have just tried this on my site using Safari on my iphone and the pdf opens without a problem, offering the choice of adding it to mail, notes, iBooks, etc.

I don;t have allow all domains in jrCore global config either.

Are you using some kind of puppy fence?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)

updated by @ultrajam: 09/16/16 05:12:55AM
9 years ago
1,353 posts
LMAO...No fences....It's working now that I added ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS in system core>global config>allowed domains
You know the JR CMS offers so much more than just great places to build social communities... its a great place to build ANY type of website because of so many pre-configured modules to to add SO MANY different types of media to a website...I have ALWAYS felt like JR was missing the boat on this and could really expand the platforms use in this area.
For instance i have 2 female Patterdale Terriers which i have bred with my exceptional male...listing the pups on puppyfind and puppyfinder got them some attention BUT when i created a JR site to post photos-videos-pedigrees etc and linked to it from the puppyfinder sites- they started selling like hotcakes! The first litter sold out in a week and the second litter that was just born on 9/11 a couple days ago- ovber half of them are already sold just because of the media i was able to quickly add using JR..... The response has been so good I have ordered another female puppy to add to our harem for later breeding :)...Not really wanting to become a puppy mill- but my wife and kids enjoy raisng puppies SO MUCH and it seems to be profitable now...Ive decided to raise more.
I have also decided that when I finish with this litter I will revamp the simple single page JR site into a social platform for Patterdale terrier owners- which will be cool.
Using JR CMS I was able to quickly config and host the new site in 1 day and like I said"sales took off"
So- now i have added a testimonial for JR to the post :) you can see my pups at
updated by @derrickhand300: 09/16/16 05:25:28AM
