I am really enjoying the flexibility of having the skin override the module templates, but I ran into a little issue trying to track down the code trail for each module's index.tpl.
After the header.tpl I think your structure is using the module's header.tpl, but... for example, dissecting the jrTags_index page there is code between the Tag module's header.tpl and the jrTags_index.tpl and I can not at all figure out where it is coming from.
<table class="page_content"></table> // I know this is the tabs, but how does it get called?
<div class="block">
<div class="block_content">
The Patria Company - patriaco.com / quality-trades.com / a-t.life - doing Jamroom since v3
updated by @the-patria-company: 11/04/16 05:07:42AM