i cannot get this to work, no matter how i try
steps i tried
add the exact path to each file in the domains apache/nginx includes sections for ssl and non ssl
this caused apache not to load
i tried editing httpd.conf directly (i know not the right way) i got an error that it has to be in virtualhost
i tried editing the virtualhost but that said the right way to do it was edit the system vjhost.conf for ssl and non ssl
i did all these things
i either get a subdomain on the same ip..or just a 500 error
rainbowgatheringmusic.org is an example
it should map to dreadlockssite.com/rainbow-music
rainbow-music does map to rainbowgatheringmusic.org but that's where i get the 500 error
it just wont load it
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 09/29/16 01:01:47PM