Older Smileys not working?

9 years ago
600 posts
Check this page
lower left hand side you can see smileys that aren't working

Not sure if it's a tinyMCE problem but I went in to edit them and those smileys ( although they exist in the core ) aren't in there

For eg, 1of them is set to load from here
https://www.punkbandpromotions.com/modules/jrCore/contrib/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-yell.gif ( doesn't exist )
The right path is ( changes in bold and caps )
(Real link - https://www.punkbandpromotions.com/modules/jrCore/contrib/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-yell.gif )
So firstly, the path has changed as these used to work

Secondly the options aren't in the editor to add these specific ones which are part of jrcore. (SEE ATTACHMENT)

So any clues on how to fix?

~ https://punkbandpromotions.com ~
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updated by @madc: 05/30/16 04:32:55PM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
I installed the JR Smily module and then gathered up a whole bunch of emoticons from various places online and added them in myself. Use google image search for terms like "emoticon gif", "animated smiley", etc. I have about about 150 emoticons available for my members, and about half are animated. This way, you are the one uploading them and the URL is then correct and the text editor seems to know and include them when the user clicks on the smiley button. I simply couldn't live with a lame selection of only 6 or 8 measley smilies! lol

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
600 posts
Thanks Strumelia. Yes I understand I have that option.
That is not my question unfortunately.
Problem is something has changed since our members where using the core smileys so all the old url's for the smileys in jrcore are broken thus no images.

So its either go and find every single one site wide or leave them broken. So I am wondering how the url's changed and if there is a fix for it.

~ https://punkbandpromotions.com ~
Check us out for all your Punk/Alternative Music!
Check us out on Facebook:- https://facebook.com/PunkBandPromotion
9 years ago
7,799 posts
url's a bit out:

is where its at. The difference is 'emoticons' and 'tinymce' are different than your full URL.

I think the URL did change though because now there is a jrSmiley module and the URL's to the smileys look like this:

Smiley module:

You've been running since JR5.0 so its quite likely that some things changed. There's been a lot of versions between there and 5.3

If its a huge job to replace them all, might try the "Parameter Injection" module to swap this string:
out for this string

That might do it, see this user-tip from curtis aobut how he did used it here:

"user tip: Removing Black Bars from Youtube Thumbnails"

alternatively you could put the old tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/ folder back into the module. It would break each time the updates happened though, but its a low-tech solution. Think the issue came about with an update of the tinymce editor.
updated by @michael: 02/29/16 07:48:05PM
