solved Missing Menues In 2 Skins After Update

9 years ago
93 posts

Please help me with an issue.

After I upgraded , 2 skins lost admin menus.

Elastic lost the horisontal admin menu (Dashboard, modules, skins, global config etc)

ningja lost the list of skins to the left (flashback, nova, etc)

I have tried to rebase skins, clear cache, deleted cash in cpanel, integrity check, deleted skin clones of these skins.

Is this an issue at my end or something at your end?

It there a quick fix?

Thank you

updated by @tettlingen: 06/15/16 02:39:13AM
9 years ago
2,804 posts
If you are using the Site Builder module, you'll have to create the menu using the Site Builder menu, just use the same links from your skins header_menu_desktop.tpl file.

You can turn off Site Builder and your original menu will come back.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
93 posts

No sorry, There is no site builder functionality at the backend. I did try to disable it, no effect. To clarify, it is the backend menu that is affected (See picture)

Issue one: No skin menu selection.
Issue two: This just happende after todays updates.... ALL MENUES now can not expand properly. Modules: admin, comunications, core .... etc.. ??? (See picture) flash, javascript issue???

I tried to run a integrity check, caches etc etc - of course to no effect.

What is going on? Without beeing too overcritical here, I think that a menu that prevoiously worked in one skin version WITH the site builder operational should "just work" when you update to a new version, don´t you agree?

Sorry if I sound a bit negative here, but this has happened several times before that when I press the update button something "Just stops working" in the skins and this is very frustrating.. I have solved it with installing jamroom all over again, and that is "ok" when the site is developing, but If the site is live this method is not going to cut it.

Please advise...what´s wrong?
jamroommenues.jpg  •  55KB

9 years ago
7,799 posts
Try changing skins to a default one. my guess is something in your alterations is causing the issue.

If this has happened before during your development it could be good to outline how you are doing that development. I suspect this is the cause of the issue.

If you could outline the steps you take to adjust stuff, that might help us pinpoint the cause of the issue.

ie: all you development should be taking place in either

if you find that you are making any alterations to any files of modules you didn't build in the /modules/* directories, you're doing something wrong. dont touch those, and never write to anything in the /data/ directory.

To change the modules you would either use a template over-ride or events and listeners.

Docs: "Altering a modules template"

Docs: "Events and Listeners"
9 years ago
93 posts
Hi! ok.

I don´t t remember the steps, sorry. And you are right, probably something I did wrong. ;)
I´ll try again with a clean install.

Thank you for the help.
