Hi Jamroom,
Can somebody help me out as im alittle confused. What i am trying to achieve is that when a user creates a blog item he select if the blog will appear on his profile page or on the main page. So i created to checkboxes called blog_domestic and blog_global
Now when i use the jrlist function i need 2 functions and how will i add the search item in it
for the MAIN PAGE will i search like this to display all profiles that want there news items to appear on the main page?
jrCore_list module=jrBlog profile_id=DOLLAR_profile_id search1=blog_global == yesorder_by=blog_display_order numerical_asc template=item_global.tpl pagebreak=8 page=DOLLAR_post.p pager=true
and only show user profiel page it will be
jrCore_list module=jrBlog search1=blog_publish_date DOLLARsmarty.now search2= blog_domestic == yes order_by="blog_publish_date desc" pagebreak=10 page=DOLLAR_post.p pager=true
is this correct?
updated by @famegroup: 05/08/16 07:12:18AM