Dashboard - Pending Users - Show more than 10 pending Users

9 years ago
45 posts
Is there any way to display in dashboard more than 10 pending users? There are a lot of bots "trying to sign up" and even if I have choose the admin validation, they are on that list. My problem is as follows: if one real member expects approval and 299 bots are "waiting" for aproval, I will have to delete first the 290 bots and only then it would be possible to see on that list the real person/user.
I presume there's a *.tpl somewhere to edit, but I cannot find it.
Of course, I can check the profile and activate it following the link in the automated email received from system, but that sort of displaying would be a good feature.
Again, I'm looking for some checkboxes to check in order to be able to delete in bulk the bots on that pending list.
Thank you!
updated by @musicianband: 05/14/16 05:48:27PM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
I apologize for jumping in- I can't answer your questions and will leave that to someone else, ...but it does seem to me that if you added/edited two or three sign-up questions that required a 'live human with a an actual working brain' type of answer, it would probably prevent hundreds of bot signups to begin with. It might make your task easier?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm curious how the bots are signing up - have you disable the Human Check on your signup form?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
45 posts
No, the human check box is active and the bots continue overriding it.

My settings:

form designer - user/signup :

label: antirobot check
name: user_is_human
type: checkbox_spambot
active: yes
required: yes

field: user_is_human

label: antirobot check
sub label: none
help: check this box...
type: checkbox_spambot
options: none
default: none
validation: (string) either on or off (checkbox)
minimum: none
maximum: none
display groups: All users (including logged out)
required: checked
active: checked

Maybe I'm doing smth wrong with the settings??

I would also very much appreciate some advice on how to create on sign-up form a check-question with a "thinkable answer". Something like:

"Which is the fifth day of the week? (six letters, small caps)"
with the obvious answer

in order to allow sign-ups.

Thank You!
updated by @musicianband: 02/13/16 05:08:15AM
9 years ago
45 posts
I apologize for jumping in- I can't answer your questions and will leave that to someone else, ...but it does seem to me that if you added/edited two or three sign-up questions that required a 'live human with a an actual working brain' type of answer, it would probably prevent hundreds of bot signups to begin with. It might make your task easier?

Thank you for the answer and the ideea! Actualy, I'm not really sure how to do this! I would really appreciate some advice on that!
9 years ago
3,603 posts
MB, go to (yoursite).com/user/signup...the same page you see that has the 'human checkbox'.
attached is a screenshot of my own, with some of the custom questions I've added to keep spammers out. The top should say soething like "Create New Account". Click on the top right for "Form Designer":
_user_signup.jpg  •  598KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Once you are in the user/signup Form Designer, you can add, remove, and EDIT your own new signup questions for new users- see this 2nd attached screenshot.
Note you can make them simple math questions with number answers, or you can give them multiple choice which helps them.
Be careful about upper/lower case letters in answers. For example, if your question is What color is the sky?....then you should allow for different ways a user might type it. Allow all these as answers: blue, Blue, and BLUE.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
3,603 posts
"Which is the fifth day of the week? (six letters, small caps)"
with the obvious answer

Hmmm...maybe not as obvious as you think. ;)
You don't want to say "small caps"- caps is capital letters, small is lower case letters.
So "friday" is all lower case/small....no caps at all.

If you use that as a question, then when you are in the form designer you will be given a choice to include several acceptable answers. In that instance you would want to allow "friday", "Friday", and "FRIDAY"....all three should be accepted as correct answers.

Try to pick questions that don't have lots of possible answers. You wouldn't want a question like "Name a morning meal"...folks would answer all kinds of things, like "breakfast", "eggs", "pancakes", "oatmeal", "toast"... Instead, you might ask "What's the main ingredient to make an omelette?...and acceptable answers would be "egg","Egg", "eggs" or "Eggs".

When adding signup questions designed to frustrate spammers, you don't want to go overboard and make it TOO hard to join. Remember, their answers don't have to be correct!- but having several wrong answers will raise your suspicion and enable you to better judge whether they are legit. It's good to have a couple questions that might be easy for people with a genuine interest in your site subject, but that require a spammer to go look up the answer on google....they don't like to bother.
If your site is about orchids, ask a simple orchid question that might be hard for non-orchid lovers to answer.
In my own example, you will see that I have many questions in place...once in a while I get a complaint about all the questions..but not often. And I only get about one spammer every three months or so actually try to join, and because of the answers they give, they are easy to spot before approval. I find my best question is "Describe your interest in music or dulcimers"- with a longer answer allowed. Real users love to talk about their interests...spammers dont want to say more than one or two words, and they don't always make sense.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 02/13/16 03:16:57PM
9 years ago
45 posts
Thank you very much!! :)
9 years ago
3,603 posts
You're so welcome. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
