Is there any way to display in dashboard more than 10 pending users? There are a lot of bots "trying to sign up" and even if I have choose the admin validation, they are on that list. My problem is as follows: if one real member expects approval and 299 bots are "waiting" for aproval, I will have to delete first the 290 bots and only then it would be possible to see on that list the real person/user.
I presume there's a *.tpl somewhere to edit, but I cannot find it.
Of course, I can check the profile and activate it following the link in the automated email received from system, but that sort of displaying would be a good feature.
Again, I'm looking for some checkboxes to check in order to be able to delete in bulk the bots on that pending list.
Thank you!
updated by @musicianband: 05/14/16 05:48:27PM