solved MediaPro Light Background Color

9 years ago
35 posts
What is the best way to change the background color for MediaPro Light?

For example, if I wanted to make the background green (see attached file).


MediaProBG.jpg  •  194KB

updated by @dfn: 03/25/17 10:34:51PM
9 years ago
2,804 posts
You can change it in your ACP > Skin Settings > Skin Styles > core_html.css > Page Background setting.


Modify your skins/jrMediaProLight/css/core_html.css file and upload it to your server.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
35 posts
Something seems to be over-riding the page background CSS for core_html.css in Skin Styles.

No matter what new color I set and save there, the background defaults back to black.
9 years ago
35 posts
Attached are my current page background settings for core_html.css in Skin Styles.

Although set and saved for green, the black background continues to override this.
CSS.jpg  •  140KB

9 years ago
3,605 posts
In the Style Section dropdown menu, look for:
site.css (if you have that there) instead of core_html.css ...and
then "site content"- background color and block color.

That's for Ningja skin, so not sure if your skin is the same, but look in the site.css file if you have it.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 01/24/16 06:26:01PM
9 years ago
35 posts
Thanks Strumelia for your suggestion.

With MediaPro Light there is a core_site.css style selection, but not a site.ccs style selection.

However, changing the MediaPro Light core_site.ccs background results in the internal page background changing rather than the entire background (see attached file).
coreCSS.jpg  •  127KB

9 years ago
3,605 posts
Ok, how about trying the Untagged, Advanced, Colorfont, etc TABs, in the core_css and test the settings that name "wrapper" color? I suspect that controls the left and right side panels. -Sorry- it's just something you can try until someone who knows for sure pops in here... In any case it's handy to figure out which style settings control which parts.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Strumelia's got it right, you just need to locate what you want to change, then where to change it.

Got a URL to see it happening at?

Take a look at this quick video made for Zach a while back. its a way to get to what to change:

Youtube "Using firebug with STYLE tab"
Using firebug with the STYLE tab
9 years ago
35 posts
Thanks for the feedback from both of you.

I installed firebug and also looked through all the CSS for the site.

However, I have not been able to resolve the current page background issue.

On attached file, I have highlighted in red the page background I want green.

Michael, I'm sending support an admin login for site.
PageBG.jpg  •  142KB

9 years ago
35 posts
Feedback update from Jamroom Support:

"The CSS selector you want to modify is the body selector in your core_html.css file. That background color doesn't show in the Style tab so you will want to modify the CSS file manually and upload it to your server. There will be a fix for the next release of the jrMediaProLight skin that will include the body selector background color so it can be modified in the Styles tab."
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Ah, so that's why I can modify that background color in Ningja skin but you could not in Mediaprolight skin. Good thing then that this was figured out! Sorry to lead you astray, I began to realize our two skins were quite different in their 'style' structures.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
35 posts
No problem Strumelia! I really appreciated your suggestions and thank you for taking the time to share them.