solved jrCore_media_player not working on my skin

10 years ago
94 posts
I'm having a big problem to make my jrCore_media_player working on my skin.
What i want to do is to display a button that will play the song loaded, but it both things are not working.
In attach i put the images of my problem, i can give more info if necessary.

The image on the left is what i want to do. The image on the right is the implementation, but the audio button is missing.

Does someone has a clue on what i'm doing wrong?
(Sorry if this was the wrong section)
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updated by @nmaster88: 02/24/16 06:27:20PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Welcome to the forum!

This looks correct for the most part - can you post the actual {jrCore_media_player} call you have in your template?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
94 posts
Hi, thanks for the reply!

In the left it's where it's called, and on the right where it runs.
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APAGAR.jpg  •  221KB

updated by @nmaster88: 11/24/15 10:23:47AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
First off - glad to see you're using PHP Storm - we use that as a team here, so that's going to help a lot.

Secondly that looks good - the jrCore_media_player call is correct - have you customized the button player CSS or template at all?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
94 posts
I wasn't the one that did the html/css i'm converting it.
But yes, on the style.css there is some css for the classes used by the jrAudio_button.tpl.

Taking the attribute overflow:hidden that is defined on the jrAudio_button.css it appears now on the page. But there is no funcionality to the button!

It gives me the error:
Uncaught TypeError: pl.jPlayer is not a function
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updated by @nmaster88: 11/24/15 02:31:49PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
It's really hard for me to see what's going on in that screenshot, but it sounds like the CSS or JS may have been modified - is it possible to replace those temporarily with the "stock" button template file and CSS and see if that works?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
7,799 posts
Try adding this to your meta.tpl file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{jrCore_javascript_src}"></script>

Then take a look at the meta.tpl file from one of the stock skins.

In your wowmusic skin I can see a lot of individual links to individual .js and .css files. One of the thing jamroom provides is a compression system where you can define all the .css and .js files that will be used in your skins:
/skins/(YOUR SKIN)/include.php

file and they will be compressed into a single file to speed up page load.

This allows modules to put .js and .css into the skin without alteration to the skin.

It seams like that's what's missing on yours.
10 years ago
94 posts
I resolved commenting 2 lines on the meta.tpl, where it was included libxxx.js.
That was the problem. Thanks for the help.
APAGAR.jpg  •  19KB

updated by @nmaster88: 11/25/15 08:37:25AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Glad to hear that - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
