solved How to save modified skins and thank you to the JR support team!

10 years ago
107 posts
So I have edited the flashback skin to a workable solution. My question is how do I now make a copy of the edited skin in case of a crash or an update that wipes out all of my edits? Do I just go into each modified template and copy and paste into notepad files or is there a better way.

I can't say thanks enough to @michael @paul @brian for their remarkable efforts in helping make a transition that we really didn't want to have to make. But I understand a bit more now and I can see some real value in making the switch to JR5.
updated by @charles-brady: 02/03/16 09:15:08AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Charles - Thanks forthe 'thanks' - its what we're here for :-)

ACP=>Developer=>Developer Tools=>Tools=>Clone Skin

Select your current active skin and name a new one. All your edited templates will be the default new skin templates so you can optionally switch to it and use it as a 'clean start' for further mods, keep it as a backup or if you have done all your development, use it as the active skin.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
107 posts
@paul hey man thanks again! That worked like a charm!
10 years ago
7,799 posts