Song Slurper Lives Again?

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Guys,

I am running a shoutcast server with searchable playlist here -

The playlist is stored on my computer hard drive, accessed through Sam Broadcaster, which FTP's to the website automatically.

Currently, my network's members have to e-mail me their songs to make it into the playlist.

Would it be possible to "slurp" all of my Jamroom's 128 bit MP3's into a folder for download? I believe Jamroom 4 already had some such capacity, so perhaps it wouldn't be that hard to integrate with Jamroom 5?

In addition, can the title, artist's name, genre, album title, and pic be extracted from the JR5 database, and applied as tags, since most people don't properly tag their MP3's.

This would be a HUGE time saver and advancement for my operations. It would also be a selling point for potential Jamroom clients who are also broadcasters.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 01/28/16 02:10:34PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi Ken - I'm not really sure what you mean by:

"Would it be possible to "slurp" all of my Jamroom's 128 bit MP3's into a folder for download?"

If it means what I think you are looking, that's not "slurping" - you just all your Jamroom images in one location to make it easy to download to your Sam Broadcaster - is that right?

To be honest with you there are VERY few sites doing what you are doing - in fact I know of only one other that is using Sam Broadcaster, so it's not going to make sense for us to build modules specific for that.

Let me know that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
926 posts
Hi Brian,

It's primarily the MP3's I'm after, and I know there was a "slurper" in JR4 which could possibly be resurrected.

If it could pick the 128 bit MP3's and associated images and data from the tables, and copy them to a folder, that's all I need.

Please tell me someone there can do this, as it's beyond my abilities. I'll pay if I have to.

If need be I will pay for the development if it's something I can afford - I really, really need this.


Ken Rich
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Ken Rich:
Hi Brian,

It's primarily the MP3's I'm after, and I know there was a "slurper" in JR4 which could possibly be resurrected.

Nothing from Jamroom 4 will run in Jamroom 5 - it would have to be created from scratch.

If it could pick the 128 bit MP3's and associated images and data from the tables, and copy them to a folder, that's all I need.

Please tell me someone there can do this, as it's beyond my abilities. I'll pay if I have to.

If need be I will pay for the development if it's something I can afford - I really, really need this.

Yeah no problem - contact us at and we can check out your requirements.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom