solved How To Build A Mobile Menu for Slate Skin?

10 years ago
1,353 posts
Can anyone tell me or show me the Docs for building a mobile menu for the Slate skin?
When viewed from a mobile device I still get the desktop version menu
updated by @derrickhand300: 09/16/15 08:37:15AM
10 years ago
865 posts
I've noticed this too with slate
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Gary-Its good to know its not just me...
I have been having a strange issue with the Jamroom SLATE skin for a few days...
The issue has been on item_detail.tpl pages....when i view them from mobile devices the footer is being place in between the header image and the desktop menu ( so the footer is splitting the top area of the mobile website.
Been struggling for days for a fix..../no luck...finally just started removing code from the header and footer a little at a time...and actually stumbled on the problem

It seems that if I go into the SLATE header.tpl file and remove this
{*{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
    {jrCore_include template="header_menu_mobile.tpl"}

My footer stays at the bottom of the page as expected?????

Any ideas whats causing this AND is whoever created the SLATE Jamroom skin planning on getting the Mobile menu fix?

The mobile menu in my other sites Bootstrap skin works great and I wish i knew how to add it to SLATE
10 years ago
7,773 posts
Try copying the header_menu_mobile.tpl over from jrElastic. Let me know if that sorts it out and I'll get it updated in slate.
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Michael...I tried it and everything stays the same
when I add this code back to the header.tpl file-the footer appears back in the header area again between the header image and the header navigation
{*{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
    {jrCore_include template="header_menu_mobile.tpl"}
{/if} *}
As you can see I have to edit it out to get the footer to stay put
Is there some sort of code thats needed for a 'sticky footer" like is used in bootstrap?
Just had a freelancer from India writing me telling me my site didnt look very professional or responsive...hahaha Im falling for that pitch again :)
I think its the menu that he is talking about...anyways if you need into mthe server to look around just let me know after 5 am here and im going to bed-i REALLY feel like I made a lot of good progress tonight so I should sleep well- thanks for ALL your help
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Is the SLATE skin no longer available in the marketplace?
I am still trying to get a mobile menu to work with it and just noticed it is not showing in the marketplace...
10 years ago
1,353 posts
If I could get this to force the skin to use a mobile menu when viewed from mobile THEN i could make my OWN mobile menu and insert it into header-menu_mobile.tpl BUT for some reason this code does not force the mobile menu template to show up..

{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
    {jrCore_include template="header_menu_mobile.tpl"}

Any ideas?

I dont mind making my own mobile menu- but I need a snippet that says "If viewed from a mobile device use this template"

(Looks like several skins i have downloaded are missing from the marketplace?)
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/15/15 07:18:52PM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
10 years ago
566 posts
Looking over the issue your having..

{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
    {jrCore_include template="header_menu_mobile.tpl"}

<div id="header">
    <div id="header_content">

        {* Logo *}
        {if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
            <div id="main_logo">
                {jrCore_image id="mmt" skin="jrSlate" image="menu.png" alt="menu"} <a href="{$jamroom_url}">{jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="170" height="40" class="jlogo" alt=$_conf.jrCore_system_name}</a>
            <div id="main_logo">
                {jrCore_image image="logo.png" width="191" height="44" class="jlogo" alt=$_conf.jrCore_system_name src_only=true assign="logo_src"}
                {$default_logo = "$jamroom_url/skins/jrSlate/img/logo.png"}
                {if $logo_src == $default_logo && jrUser_is_admin()}
                    <a href="{$jamroom_url}/core/skin_admin/images/skin=jrSlate"><img src="{$logo_src}" alt="{$_conf.jrCore_system_name}" title="click here to upload a new logo"></a>
                    <a href="{$jamroom_url}"><img src="{$logo_src}" alt="{$_conf.jrCore_system_name}"></a>
            {jrCore_include template="header_menu_desktop.tpl"}



{jrMenu_display active=$menu_url}
<div id="jrmenu_content">
    <nav id="jrmenu-wrap">
        <ul id="jrmenu">

the first part redirects to header_menu_mobile.tpl if jamroom detect its a mobile device.

however then reading further down the lines the system is using a {jrSiteBuilder_menu}

Im not familuar with those tools yet and havent used them however I would guess this could be where your issues are. with a little coding, you can edit the header_menu_mobile.tpl and fix the issue by adding the links.

<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/test">test</a></li>
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/testing_a_page">testing a page</a></li>
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/here_is_another">Heres another</a></li>
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/and_another">And Another</a></li>

{* OR ADD *}


updated by @developer-networks: 08/15/15 09:11:33PM
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Yeah thanks....but I am tired of spending time on this issue...
so now my question is:

Is there a skin for jamroom that works with sitebuilder that displays the mobile menu on mobile devices?

If so-whats it called- how do I buy it and how do I add all my edits to the SLATE skin to it so my months of work are not again wasted like the previous website skin that I have $thousands invested in and countless months of work?

I was told with that website that my problem was that i was using a skin outside jamroom (bootstrap) and that if I just used a jamroom skin most of my problems would be now I have built this website on a Jamroom skin- which has a mobile menu I guess does not work ( maybe its something I am doing?)( my bootstrap mobile menu worked perfectly) then I look in the marketplace and the skin has been moving from Bootstrap custom skin to a jamroom skin was no help...frustrated beyond belief

I apologize if I sound cranky but I REALLY want a website that works
updated by @derrickhand300: 08/15/15 08:38:05PM
10 years ago
865 posts
I understand your frustration Derrick, I too was developing a custom skin and module as a proof of concept for a friend and came across this, I thought it was my modifications but when I switched back to default slate it showed the same.

I would advise you not switch skins as all your customisations will basically need to be done over again. It is the holiday period so maybe the team are having a relaxing summer with their kids, which is understandable.

It does seem like the Slate skin has been removed from the marketplace while they sort this?
updated by @garymoncrieff: 08/16/15 01:35:26AM
10 years ago
2,797 posts
The Slate skin is still in the Marketplace:

However... The skins/jrSlate/contrib/slidebars/slidebars.min.js is the wrong version and needs to be updated.

For now you can copy the skins/jrElastic/contrib/slidebars/slidebars.min.js to your skins contrib/slidebars directory and see if that fixes your mobile menu issue.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Thanks Douglas- as always you are a big help-I will start trying to make that work
I cant get the link you shared to work
If I go to ACP-Marketplace and click on the SKINS tabs the SLATE skin is no longer there. Also the Lucid Skin-The Sage Skin and The Photo Pro skins are also missing- Photo Pro was going to be my next website to move to Jamroom by rebuilding my photography website on it

Any particular explanation as to why they are no longer visible in the marketplace on my end from the Tabs in marketplace?
10 years ago
1,353 posts
Ok I think the way skins are displayed in the marketplace may have changed? In the past if I had a skin downloaded it would show the skin BUT it would say something like " you already have this skin downloaded"
But now if I go to the marketplace all the skins I have downloaded no longer appear in the marketplace..

If I go here I can see all the skins that are missing from my Marketplace> Skins tab
10 years ago
1,353 posts
I changed the js file to the one from Elastic..but then had to make changes to my

I wish I could explain all the changes...but it was mostly hours of cut/paste and move code around til i got it all working.

I appreciate your help- without the elastic.js tip i never would have got there
10 years ago
2,797 posts
Glad you got that sorted.

And your right, that the skins won't show in your ACP > Marketplace if you have it installed already.

You can always reload them if you need to by going to ACP > Marketplace > Tools > Reload Modules Or Skins.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
