solved Where to Set Quota for Media URL Scanner

10 years ago
114 posts
Following this thread, ( ) I have enabled the Media URL Scanner and am trying to find where to set the quota.

I went to Core > Quota Tab and have searched the drop down box, but have not yet located it. Is it still here or if not, where?

updated by @restmin: 05/25/15 04:23:44PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
quota settings are found at:
ACP -> (Whichever module your after) -> QUOTA CONFIG

Its a tab on every module that is settable via quotas. So for a question like "I'd like to allow profiles in quota X to have a blog" then it would be:
ACP -> PROFILES -> QUOTA CONFIG -> allowed on profile

The only "Gotcha" is for the "Active Text Formatters" which adjust the way content is displayed, its found at:
ACP -> SYSTEM CORE -> QUOTA CONFIG -> Active Text Formatters

And its for stuff that changes the way other stuff works. Like jrEmbed changes some tag in [ jrEmbed ...] into the actual wanted content. Or changing ; ) into a smiley, or making url's clickable, etc. That sort of stuff.

So what your after is:
* make sure the media url scanner is active:
ACP -> MEDIA -> MEDIA URL SCANNER -> INFO -> Module Active

Then you will see " Convert Media URLs (UrlScan) " in the Active Text Formatters at:
ACP -> SYSTEM CORE -> QUOTA CONFIG -> Active Text Formatters

If you want that to be active for everyone in all the quotas, then check the apply to all quotas checkbox before saving. That will make it work for all quotas.
updated by @michael: 04/19/15 11:51:21PM
10 years ago
114 posts
Thanks, @Michael. It is the very last step I can't find what I need (and yes, it's active). I can't find "Active Text Formatters" This is the screen I am looking at:

sorry to be a ditz
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Thanks, @Michael. It is the very last step I can't find what I need (and yes, it's active). I can't find "Active Text Formatters" This is the screen I am looking at:

sorry to be a ditz

That is your wordpress site - not Jamroom :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Thanks, @Michael. It is the very last step I can't find what I need (and yes, it's active). I can't find "Active Text Formatters" This is the screen I am looking at:

sorry to be a ditz

Its there in your screenshot, and it is checked. Right in the middle of the screenshot.

What I can tell from your screenshot is that the "Convert Media URL's" IS active for the "NEW MEMBER" Quota.

What I cant tell is if the "Convert Media URL's" is active for any other quotas.

You need to change the members quota in the drop down to adjust the settings for any other quotas.
 •  87KB

updated by @michael: 04/20/15 08:15:19PM
10 years ago
114 posts
got it. duh. yeah, I was looking in the drop down box as a major setting . THANK YOU.
