solved Link audio genres to a search result

10 years ago
302 posts

I've recently put a list of audio genres in my index website. The code was provided by Gary on this thread:

The problem is I'd like to have a link for each one them. I want users be able to link an audio genre and get a page with all audios/songs with the same genre. I mean, filter all audios with with the same genre.

That was possible on JR4 and it'd be great to have the same feature on JR5.

Please, let me know if that is possible!

updated by @andrusito: 06/17/15 06:54:32PM
10 years ago
2,796 posts
Is this what you are using?

{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" group_by="audio_genre" template="audio_genres.tpl"}

{if isset($_items)}
    {jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
    {foreach from=$_items item="item"}

What skin is this for and do you have a URL I can check out?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
302 posts
Hi Douglas,

Yes, that is the code!

I'm using jrNova 1.4.9. I'm working on this website:

The genre list is under "Usuarios En Línea" section (at bottom left)
10 years ago
2,796 posts
This isn't going to be that easy since Nova is not really setup to handle genres.

I'm kind of busy at the moment but when I get a chance I can see what it would take to get this working for the Nova skin.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
302 posts
Oh ok,

then, what skin you suggest me to use for this?
10 years ago
2,796 posts
If you have the ProJam or MediaPro skins you can see how it is done in them, and maybe use that as a guide to setup your Nova skin to list by genres.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
10 years ago
7,750 posts
andrusito:....I'm working on this website:

The genre list is under "Usuarios En Línea" section (at bottom left)......

Did you remove it, I cant see it on the page anymore.

* I can see that you have a genre called "Congreso de mujeres".
* I can see that the search works for that genre when I put "Congreso de mujeres" into the search box at:

The resulting url is:

That shows all the audio files from that genre in the list. You can use the same url structure in your FOREACH to link to that url.
10 years ago
302 posts
Ok Douglas, thanks for that!

Michael, that might work.. I'll try to do something with that :) Thanks!! BTW, the genre list is still there under "usuarios en linea" section.
