Please post your Design and Customization questions here

12 years ago
10,149 posts
If you have questions about customizing Jamroom skin and module templates, please post your questions in here. Note that customization questions can often be fairly involved, so please be patient for an answer.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 01/11/14 11:19:00PM
12 years ago
78 posts
About payments for products to go directly to profile after purchase , and just quotas membership payments to admin all using paypal as an option , (will there be a module for this or is there one already -

-can Foxycart do this ?
and if so , are the digital files held there ? seen unlimited download storage
12 years ago
10,149 posts
No - FoxyCart can't do this, as it is designed around a "central cart". We have a PayPal module that is coming soon that will let your artists enter their own paypal email address and sell audio/video/files from their site, which the purchases going directly to the artists themselves, but it does not support subscriptions.

So if wanted you could use the new PayPal module for your artists, and the foxycart module just for subscriptions.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/02/13 05:38:28AM
12 years ago
78 posts
when will the new Paypal module be ready ,

- does the foxycart store your digital files - 15$/m i seen unlimited didgital storage?

- But if i use the new paypal module - the digital files would have be on my server right - becuase would just be using foxycart for subscription ?
12 years ago
7,792 posts
cadberry:...when will the new Paypal module be ready...
5 days ago:

cadberry:... does the foxycart store your digital files ...
nope, they are all stored on your server. that storage feature is probably for those people not using jamroom.
12 years ago
78 posts
Hi , didn't see any paypal buy now module - unless your talking about the
file download module ?
12 years ago
7,792 posts
The title of the post is:
"Jamroom Core 5.1.4 + PayPal Buy It Now"

I'm guessing your meaning your not seeing it in your marketplace on your site? If that's the case then you need to be a 'VIP member' to get early access to it, check this post:
12 years ago
78 posts
Hi , ok thanks - it's in the marketplace now
