solved How to I remove rotating banner & link?

9 years ago
92 posts
In the lower right of my Media Pro skin there is a rotating banner and a Powered by Jamroom link. How do I remove it?
updated by @andyf: 02/12/15 09:43:54AM
9 years ago
7,748 posts
You can alter anything you like from either the templates via FTP or via the template editor in the admin control panel.

ACP -> SKINS -> MEDIA PRO -> TEMPLATES -> footer.tpl -> MODIFY
9 years ago
92 posts
Thanks @michael. I think I asked the same question before & had it fixed (& forgot). The footer banner came back again after I updated to the new version (version 1.4.5) of Media Pro. I guess that's typical when you update the skins? Modified skins revert back to original versions?
9 years ago
2,793 posts
Yes, if you are making changes to templates and then uploading those changes via FTP then your changes will be overwritten when you update the skin, if you are making changes via the ACP > Skins > YOURSKIN > Style and Templates sections, updates will NOT overwrite your changes.

If you are using a FTP client to upload your changes, you should really consider cloning the skin your going to make changes to so your modifications don't get overwritten after updating.

You can do so by going to your ACP > Tools > Developer Tools > Tools section and click the "Clone Skin" button.

Hope this helps! :)


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
9 years ago
92 posts
That footer modification was the only change I made via cPanel (before I discovered how to do it via the ACP . . . which I like much better). Thanks @douglas!
