Featured artists skin

11 years ago
479 posts
Just wondering how to go about this, would love to have a jamroom site that focused on just featuring a new artist every Month, so the main/front page with have the featured artist, songs, videos, concerts, store, photos etc, but yet make it easy for visitors to find or click on past featured artists, I think a new skin would probably be the easiest way to do this from looking at how the single artist skin works/looks, anyone?
updated by @eddy: 01/27/15 06:34:34AM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
If admin is deciding who the featured artist is, just use the Form Designer on the update profile form to add in an 'admin only' text field into which admin can enter 201412, 201501, 201502 etc every month. You can then search by that field with a limit of 1 (order_by NUMERICAL_DESC) to get the currently featured artist, or increase the limit or paginate to list past artists of the month.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
