My Beta Slate Skin Site So Far

John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
Well bit by bit, day by day a little more gets done and so far it's coming along nicely. Not got into adding the smarty code bits yet as mainly been playing around with all the css. Done lots of little tweaks here and there with my next project going to be the audio player over the weekend to get it looking like a 1940s radio, that's going to be a challenge so will see how it comes out.
Well here is the url to go to if you want to take a look, ignore the main homepage for now as thats going to be having a different background etc and so will some of the other pages to reflect the content on them.

John :-)
updated by @john-bizley: 01/06/15 03:52:43PM
11 years ago
7,788 posts
Looking good John. :)
11 years ago
346 posts
Good work so far...I look forward to see where you take this with the Slate Skin ;)
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Cool... I like the shadow effect on the blocks - gives them a nice hint of 3D.

Your buttons are not "dead" either, like most Jamroom tabs. Not fussy on the color choices but at least they "feel" like buttons.

How do those buttons fit in responsive views?


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/02/14 07:10:45PM
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
Cool... I like the shadow effect on the blocks - gives them a nice hint of 3D.

Your buttons are not "dead" either, like most Jamroom tabs. Not fussy on the color choices but at least they "feel" like buttons.

How do those buttons fit in responsive views?

Thanks Ken, yes the colours are not fixed as just playing around with them so they will be changing ;-)
With regards to the responsive view when viewed on a phone for instance Jamrooms code kicks in which switches them to drop down menus so they are not an issue regarding that. I added the code into the profile css so when the screen is smaller Jamrooms mobile css is then used.

By the way here is an image of my Timeline entry box which looks much better than the flat one as standard.

founder-timeline.jpg  •  179KB

updated by @john-bizley: 12/03/14 04:33:04AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
It's cool - the button really stands out in your version. I know about the if-then-else command that switches mobile menus, but I find if you check different screensizes with "responsive" views not mobile (there's a difference) buttons and menus can do some "weird" stuff.

In other words, a tablet let's say might make two rows instead of one, as on a desktop view. I look with this tool:


Ken Rich
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
It's cool - the button really stands out in your version. I know about the if-then-else command that switches mobile menus, but I find if you check different screensizes with "responsive" views not mobile (there's a difference) buttons and menus can do some "weird" stuff.

In other words, a tablet let's say might make two rows instead of one, as on a desktop view. I look with this tool:

I have checked on my tablets including microsoft surface and all looks ok, the buttons sizes have not changed from the original Jamroom ones as I have only added some styling to them. I use the developer responsive option in firefox as it allows me to see it all happen as I resize the developer window which gives the screen sizes as it goes. The timeline works ok too as I have set the styling to only come into affect from 800px and upwards so on screens under that it is the default layout by Jamroom.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
You seem like you really have a "handle" on this CSS stuff John. I've got a project in mind that seems right up your alley and I'd be willing to pay for it, even though I'm on a tiny disability pension.

There was a 3rd party developer who made really aesthetically pleasing skins, but he was notoriously difficult to work with, and in fact negligent on "bug" fixes. He's gone now, but I have a copy of the skin I bought from him.

I would like to clone some of the CSS from it and make it work in Ningja, especially for the menu and headers which have a soft 3D effect, However swapping CSS is a trial and error (mostly error) time consuming process for me.

I think the end result might be a new skin, a Ningja light version which could perhaps be marketed as well. Look at this picture and tell me if this looks "doable", keeping in mind the CSS files are already are "in hand" and just need to be "reworked" a little for Ninga functionality.
Capture.JPG.jpg  •  123KB


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 12/03/14 07:29:38AM
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
Sure can take a look for you Ken and see what we can come up with.Just sent a friend request on creators so we can use the email function there to discuss further.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts


Ken Rich
