Here is a little forum adjustment I did for smaller screens

John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
This I noticed today as was using my phone a lot to use the Jamroom forum. We had a similar thing on Ning where the members details where to the side of the conversations which squished the text over to the side. The code I added below I added to the mobile core css. I have added an image showing the change

Here is the little bit of code I used

@media only screen and ( max-width:767px){
.forum_post_image { width:100%!important;float:left;}
.forum_post_text{ display:inline-block; }
.forum_post_image .normal{ float:left!important;text-align:left}
.forum_post_image .action_item_user_img {display:inline-block!important}

updated by @john-bizley: 01/01/15 03:36:57AM
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
Here is the after image
updated by @john-bizley: 11/24/14 02:56:52PM
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
Here is an image of a before image on Jamroom when I was using my phone earlier, and as you can see it's difficult to read with a lot of text
updated by @john-bizley: 11/24/14 02:58:53PM
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
So here is the Jamroom forum after I added my code in Firefox, much easier to read

updated by @john-bizley: 11/24/14 03:00:17PM
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Thanks John!

Is this still using the code above?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
John Bizley
John Bizley
11 years ago
251 posts
Hi Douglas, yes it is. I just added my code above the mobile-core css. I added mine with a media querie so to keep mone seperate but there is no need to do that as it could be just added into the mobile css media query.
Here is a screenshot showing where I added the code
mobile-core-css.jpg  •  86KB

updated by @john-bizley: 11/25/14 08:35:16AM
