solved Using Custom Players

Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
I don't know if there is something better out there, but I found the radio player from this company to work well:

It is HTML5, has embed code "popout" share, social media share buttons built in, ability to "brand" and customize the design easily (without specific programmer knowledge).

They have several generic versions of their players, some with playlists, lyric scrolling, and "buy now" features. I'm sure one with a great feature set could be made to work in Jamroom.

The problems is this - I've read the section on how to substitute a custom player in Jamroom, but it's all "gobbledygook" to me.

My question is this. Can a player upgrade become a Marketplace item. Either as an advanced brandable player with features like those above (with 1 click install), or as a Marketplace "service, where someone who understands the programming requirements does it as a professional install service at a set price.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/05/14 11:39:32PM
11 years ago
7,794 posts
My question is this. Can a player upgrade become a Marketplace item. Either as an advanced brandable player with features like those above (with 1 click install), or as a Marketplace "service, where someone who understands the programming requirements does it as a professional install service at a set price.

Sure, if they wanted to make it Jamroom compatible, then it could be sold in the marketplace. It would just need to have jrAudio as a requirement if it was a plugin player, or build out the whole module if they wanted to use it as a standalone system.

It would not be OK for someone to buy their ( ) player and turn it into a plugin to sell or for free without their OK to use/give-away their player.

The important factor is the license it uses.

Then the confusion comes in around here:

Where they are selling it for wordpress which is GPL license. GPL allows you to do whatever you want including reuse, or sell it yourself if you can obtain a copy, so I'm not sure.
updated by @michael: 10/04/14 04:27:30PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Well the legalities just add another layer of complication, to an issue already too complicated for me to implement. I'm looking for an "easy" button to give me better players.

Let me rephrase my question, perhaps it should be viewed more as a "feature request" than a question.

Is someone on the Jamroom development team, planning on making upgrades to the current players, building new players, or willing to install 3rd party players as a marketplace service?

Kind of like in JR4 where we had the option to buy player packages. I'm just looking for the easiest path to upgrade my players, since I'm not a programmer and can't do it myself.


Ken Rich
11 years ago
7,794 posts
Planning, no. Possible yes. If you need it now, the freelance jobs section could help:

Adding one there might alert some developers. Or a thread with a title like "Looking for a Jamroom developer to implement a custom player."

I would suggest just re-designing the existing player though, You will always know it works then. The current player is all CSS so you can make it look however you want it to look.

If a different player has different features that your after then that's something else.

There are still a lot of other things to get to for Jamroom before providing alternate players makes its way higher up on the priority list.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Understood... Thanks for the info...

I don't seem to have the ability to post in the Freelance Jobs section (although I'm logged in). So I've written to to see if they are interested in this work.

Perhaps they can upgrade my existing player, swap the player, or add enhanced players to the marketplace as a 3rd party developer.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 10/05/14 05:52:52AM
11 years ago
7,794 posts
I'll add some more docs to this page:

"HowTo: swap the audio player to use a different player"
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Hi Michael, just a "heads-up".

Sandeep the programmer from is studying the issue and said he will quote me on players probally next week. I gave him the link on how to swap players.

With any luck, he'll want to put players in the marketplace as a 3rd party developer and everyone can get them.


Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 10/05/14 05:30:09PM
11 years ago
7,794 posts
Good to hear Ken. Hopefully he gets it done easily so you can get the player you want.

Get him to contact me at support [at ] if he wants a developers account to put it in the marketplace so it can be installed via the ACP.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
11 years ago
926 posts
Cool beans... I'll let him know on Skype... Thanks Michael...


Ken Rich