solved jrCore_list search

11 years ago
772 posts
Can I get a general guide on what is allowed in the search parameter for jrCore_list?

Is everything one can do in sql OK or are there limits?

Are all wildcards OK? Do I need to escape them a certain way?

Can I do something like: search="audio_credits REGEXP ^project-`$item._item_id`$"?
updated by @blindmime: 09/03/14 10:40:33AM
11 years ago
7,799 posts
The docs page is here:


% works. I've not tried REGEXP.

search="audio_credits like project-%"
Should work.

Looks like 'regexp' is in there. Take a look around line 1300 in the function jrCore_db_search_items()


There's a switch there with all the options available.

Got the docs updated with the Search Conditions
updated by @michael: 07/23/14 03:20:58PM
11 years ago
772 posts
Do all the symbols work and do I need to escape anything in any particular way?

Like does search="audio_credits REGEXP ^project-`$item._item_id`$" work?

(^ stands for beginning of line and $ stands for ending of line)

There's a list of symbols here:
11 years ago
10,149 posts
This is the page you want to check out:

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
7,799 posts
Best way to test is to give it a go and see if you get back what you were expecting.

Easiest way to test is to put a new file in your current skin:


and put what your after in there:
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" search="audio_credits REGEXP ^project-5$"}

And see if it returns what your after. If you think its not working correctly, let us know:



and we can look at getting it fixed up.
11 years ago
772 posts
Michael, I do try things a number of ways, but in this case I wasn't sure on a few things, like how jamroom is intepreting some of the symbols or how jrCore_list might require symbols and patterns being escaped. I twould be nice to have this kind of thing clarified.

That link was helpful, Brian. It helped me solve the issue in a previous thread, I think. This

search="audio_credits REGEXP [[:<:]]project-`$item._item_id`[[:>:]]"

appears to generate a match for only "project-1" (1 being the item id) and not project-12 or project-112, etc.
updated by @blindmime: 07/23/14 09:34:17PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
That's good - glad the link could be of help.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
7,799 posts
blindmime:...I wasn't sure on a few things, like how jamroom is intepreting some of the symbols or how jrCore_list might require symbols and patterns being escaped. I twould be nice to have this kind of thing clarified....

Got any suggestions about how I should write this up in the docs that would be the most useful?
11 years ago
772 posts
You might go into how the jr5 search function in jrCore_list can accept mysql search parameters and go into detail with some examples of this. Make special note of any exceptions. Also explain how jrCore_list searches must be escaped to work within the double-quote because it's a little different than a php mysql statement, I think. Link to that page Brian referenced. That will give us a framework from which to explore what's possible.
