If after updated to Jamroom Core 5.1.24 the "submit" buttons on your site are no longer responsive, this is due to the upgrade of jQuery from 1.8.3 to 1.11.0 - you'll want to log in to your site via FTP (or SSH in) and delete the .js files in:
so if your active skin directory is "jrElastic" you would delete all .js files in:
Then refresh your site and you should be set.
Sorry for the hassle - we'll try to get the Marketplace updated so this won't be needed in the future if jQuery changes.
Hope this helps!
EDIT I've pushed up a small update that should let the jrCore update work properly now without needing this cache reset.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 03/30/14 12:07:40PM