Jamroom 6 Upgrade Guide

9 years ago
10,149 posts
Now that Jamroom 6 has "shipped" I thought I would post a real quick "upgrade" guide for upgrading to Jamroom 6 from any version of Jamroom 5:

1) If you have a large site, put your site in Maintenance Mode.

2) Update to the new Jamroom 6 Core from the Marketplace

3) Update to the latest module updates in the Marketplace

4) RUN AN INTEGRITY CHECK with the "repair modules" option checked. This is pretty normal to do, but with JR6 it's important that this be done right away, as there are low level database schema updates that must be applied. Be patient - on a large system this could 15 to 20 minutes to run.

5) When the Integrity Check completes, reset caches

6) Rebuild the Search Index from the ACP -> Listing -> Search -> Tools section

7) IF you have customizes the jrAction "item_list.tpl" file, or any of the module item_action.tpl files, use the Template compare tool to compare your version versus the new version and bring in the changes as needed.

Let us know if you have any questions and we can help.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 09/13/17 08:10:55AM
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Details on how to run the integrity check can be seen here:

Docs: "Somethings wrong what do I do?"
9 years ago
301 posts
Morning! So it is only the item action templates that need updating? All other customised templates will carry through?

Quite excited about this!
9 years ago
7,799 posts
If you've cloned a skin then the cloned skin will be un-changed after updates.

The default skins have all been updated, so use the compare tool to them if you're seeing anything weird.

Docs: "Using the Compare tool to keep Cloned skins up-to-date"

All of the default lists come from module templates unless they have been over-ridden in the skins.
9 years ago
301 posts
I understand. If you've modified a default skin, without cloning it, but then clone the skin, does that create a clone of your altered skin, or just the original one. I appear to have been an epic muppet.
9 years ago
10,149 posts
does that create a clone of your altered skin, or just the original one.

It creates a clone of the skin int the state it is in when you make the clone, so it will include any template changes you have made.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
301 posts
Thanks, Brian. Really excited about 6.

/epic muppet
9 years ago
10,149 posts
No problem!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
3,605 posts
"7) IF you have customizes the jrAction "item_list.tpl" file, or any of the module item_action.tpl files"

-that's the part i'm not clear on. I know how to use the Compare tool and bring in changes. But... can you please clarify the above words to help me know where/what I am supposed to be looking?- in my custom skin? in the jrAction module? In other modules?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,799 posts
The jrAction module takes care of itself, so if you have no over-rides to that module it will all work.

However, if you have changed the default jrAction template by any of the template methods:

Docs: "Altering a modules template"

OR if you have a {jrCore_list} call to module="jrAction" that has its own custom template="some-file.tpl", then these over-rides will probably need fixing up because the variables they use to show the values have changed in structure.

The steps to do that are:
* find a URL where actions are listed on but say "array" instead of what you're expecting.
* figure out where the base {jrCore_list} call is that shows that template
* either remove the template="?????.tpl" or update the .tpl file to use the new code.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Ok... I 'sort of' understand 'some' of what you are saying. <:-\
I just posted a screenshot in a related thread here, of what I 'think' was altered in my custom skin's jrAction_item_list.tpl to override my jrAction template.

It looks like I should do this 5 to 6 on a clone dummy site, which means I should first switch to a larger domain on the day I want to do this....and do a test run on the dummy site.

Sorry I'm bushed- it's 1am gotta go to bed- thanks for your help Michael!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,799 posts
Probably what I would do if i had a jrAction_item_list.tpl file in my skin would be to change its name to xxxxxxjrAction_item_list.tpl which would turn it off as an override for /modules/jrAction/templates/item_list.tpl

That would allow the modules default one to fall through. If that fixes the issues, I would copy that to
/skins/(MY SKIN)/jrAction_item_list.tpl

So that I am running on the same version as the module, but overridden, then make the changes I want in that file.
9 years ago
514 posts
Congrats on the new release!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Congrats on the new release!

Thanks @jimmy :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Probably what I would do if i had a jrAction_item_list.tpl file in my skin would be to change its name to xxxxxxjrAction_item_list.tpl which would turn it off as an override for /modules/jrAction/templates/item_list.tpl
That would allow the modules default one to fall through. If that fixes the issues, I would copy that to
/skins/(MY SKIN)/jrAction_item_list.tpl
So that I am running on the same version as the module, but overridden, then make the changes I want in that file.

Michael, in my CUSTOM skin, I don't have a template called jrAction_item_list.
I do however have a template called : jrAction_item_index.tpl
And also I have a template simply called : item_list.tpl

Do you suggest doing the above renaming with xxxx on my custom skin's jrAction_item_index.tpl ?- or do you think that would be unnecessary since it's not actually jrAction_item_list.tpl ? (it's "_index" rather than "_list")

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 12/04/16 08:48:08AM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I've just checked out your skin, and there is only ONE custom activity template:


This is because you based your skin on the jrNingJa skin, which only has 1 template that is affected by JR6. This template is actually NOT needed - it's overriding the jrAction_item_list.tpl file just to add an extra set of divs around the list, which we can do directly in the index.tpl file and eliminate that template.

Let me know if you'd like me to do that for you - would only take me about 2 minutes to do, and then the JR6 upgrade should be painless for you, as there are no other template modifications needed.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/04/16 09:14:21AM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Brian- of course YES, that would be terrific!
If you wouldn't mind, I would need this done as well on my other test site on my server too: http://pennywhistlerscom.jamroomhosting.com/
( and my access info and password is the same for that site)

I do know that I customized my index page activity timeline to NOT show two things:
new Follower notices...and new comments on peoples' profile page comment walls.

I also somehow got Admin actions TO SHOW up in the index page timeline, but not sure if that was done in that template or even if it was done in my custom skin.

I'd want to not lose the above three modifications i made to my site in the activity feed for the main page.

Big hug to you!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 12/04/16 10:23:34AM
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Brian, if/when you apply this, can you be sure that the change you make is in my current NEW Active custom skin?- I just today cloned a new custom skin with the name of Dec4 for both my sites...and that's the skin clone I have active and want to use now when moving to jr6. Thank you...!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Let me know if you'd like me to do that for you - would only take me about 2 minutes to do, and then the JR6 upgrade should be painless for you, as there are no other template modifications needed.

Brian, were you able to find the time to do this for my the two JR sites i have on my server?
Thanks so much... !

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,799 posts
looked at both your sites just now strumelia and I cant see the issue, the activity timeline appears to be displaying correctly on both. Could you check now and see if they are as you expect them to be, I haven't made any changes.
9 years ago
3,605 posts
hi Michael,
I have not updated to jr6 yet....so the activity feed on both sites in jr5 is indeed displaying correctly --as it has been for a year. I've not started the jr6 update yet.

- As I understood Brian's last post above, he said he was going to move a pair of added DIVs from my active custom skin so that he could eliminate one template from my skin that wouldn't then be needed... or something like that... and that once he did this I wouldn't need to do any other template modifications when moving to jr6. I don't think he has made this adjustment on my sites yet though- since that skin template is still there... I'm not really sure but I was waiting for him to say he had done the adjustment to both my jr sites on my server. I'm not quite clear on what he was going to do, or else I would have done it myself already. but he explained it above in his last post.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Brian, were you able to find the time to do this for my the two JR sites i have on my server?
Thanks so much... !

Unfortunately I had some unplanned family issues today that have kept me offline - should be (hopefully) a "normal" day tomorrow and I can get this fixed up for you.

Sorry for the delay.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Oh, of course- thank you so much! Just happy to get this potential template issue patched up without my possibly making a mess of it in my move to jr6.
I just purchased a new domain name for that test whistle site anyway, and am waiting for the linode name server redirects to kick in so that I can then switch that new site to the real domain name... probably after upgrading that whistle site to jr6. I'm not under any deadline.
Thank you very much- I know you guys are very very busy and I so much appreciate your kind help.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I can make these changes for you today - can you open a ticket for me? I need to get your login so I can reset caches and make sure everything looks good.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
3,605 posts
Yes, just creating this ticket now- thank you Brian!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
2,584 posts
We've just upgraded to Jamroom 6, super smooth process!

Thanks Jamroom Team :)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
