Jamroom.net is now running Jamroom 6

9 years ago
10,149 posts
Jamroom.net is now running the latest version of Jamroom 6 :)

The upgrade was performed this morning, and I apologize for anyone that was online at that time that may have been logged out and had to log back in - we ran into a small session issue that took me a little bit to figure out (due to several custom modules we run here on Jamroom.net to power the marketplace), and during that time we have some session "flakiness".

We also took the opportunity to force everything to SSL, so all URLs now start with https.

Please let us know if you see any issues. One thing I've immediately noticed is a nice speed improvement in the forums here - the new DS performance updates in JR6 are helping out :)


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 02/03/17 04:59:31PM
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
9 years ago
123 posts
Good stuff, Brian! Great teamwork yet again!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Right now we're aware of some sites that are getting an error connecting to the marketplace - it's an easy fix:

1) Log in to your Jamroom as a master admin
2) Go to ACP -> Core -> Marketplace -> Tools -> Marketplace Systems.
3) Click on "modify" to the right of the jamroom.net entry
4) change the Marketplace URL to https://www.jamroom.net
5) save the changes

Note the change of the URL from http (non SSL) to https (SSL) - that should get it working. I'm working on updates to allow those requests to work over non-SSL, and hope to have that working soon.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 11/02/16 04:02:31PM
9 years ago
249 posts
Somewhat related: LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Jamroom main page!

A work of art :)
