Jamroom Support holiday schedule

12 years ago
10,149 posts
With the end of 2013 quickly approaching, I wanted to let everyone know that the team plans on taking some time off to spend with our families. Since each of us works remotely, some of us may be online a little bit, but I wanted to make sure support expectations are set accordingly for the coming holiday week:

- I will be offline for most of December 23rd - 25th. I may be online occasionally during that time, but likely won't be answering support forum questions. The rest of the team may have slightly different schedules, but expect answers from the team in the forum during that time to be limited at best.

- Support Center - if you are a priority support center VIP, we'll do our very best to answer your questions as soon as we can - we ask that you give us a little extra time over the holidays as most of us are going to be offline for longer chunks of time than normal. We will definitely get back to you ASAP though.

With that said, I want to wish all JR users happy holidays - whatever holiday you are celebrating, as well as a happy 2014 - I have hard time believing 2013 is already coming to a close :)

Thanks everyone!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 01/26/14 05:10:59AM
12 years ago
87 posts
Enjoy the time off, guys! :) Hope you all have a great holiday!

12 years ago
4,335 posts
Just to add that I've started my holidays early and am visiting family in Australia now until 22nd January 2014.
Will still be checking in and helping out as often as possible, but maybe not as regularly as if I was at home.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
7,788 posts
New Years is when I'll have a few days off, should be here over Christmas.

In Japan Christmas isn't even a public holiday. The 23rd is though, for "The Emperor's Birthday". (not sure if its his actual birthday, don't think so.)
12 years ago
38 posts
Have fun, guys!
