Jamroom Core 5.1.3 + updates + new Activity Log Watcher module

12 years ago
10,148 posts
Today has been a busy day :)

I just finished updating the Marketplace with the latest Jamroom Core module (version 5.1.3) + lots of other module updates - updates should now be available in your Marketplace -> System Updates tab.

The new core fixes up a number of reported bugs, plus adds some small new features and enhancements to existing functionality:


I have also just put online a brand new free module called "Activity Log Watcher":


That is available right now for subscribers (it will be available to everyone in 14 days). It's a really flexible module that let's you create Activity Log rules that can be used for notifications, integration with 3rd party systems, etc.

Let us know if you have any questions about the new releases - we hope you enjoy the updates!


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 01/02/14 09:00:55PM
