New item details not showing

11 years ago
93 posts
I have created a module which shows up on profile page of users (like jrBlog) and allows to add new entries. But the new entry details is not shown if I click on it even though the URL is pointing to that particular item. Instead it shows all the created items. Which template controls the view for that. I have item_detail.tpl in the module but it still used item_list.tpl I think. Please help.

updated by @dobmat: 05/16/14 08:13:13AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
It should use item_detail.tpl - make sure you are constructing the URL correctly to the item - it should be in the format:

jrCore_base_url / profile_url / module_url / item_id / item_title_url

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
93 posts
The URL is correct as you have stated. Please see the attached screen shots where URL can be seen at the bottom left corner. I tested it with putting a {debug} in item_detail.tpl file and I don't get the smarty console.
test.png  •  112KB

updated by @dobmat: 04/11/14 08:54:09AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Do you have a profile.php file in your module? If you do, rename or remove it. Sounds like there is a profile.php router taking over and it is not setup.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
93 posts
Yes, I have a profile.php in my module. But if I remove it then new items created will not be displayed which is what I want. My profile.php is as attached. My create form has only 2 fields, venue name and image. I want all the items to be displayed under the module tab and when click on the item it should show item details. Please suggest how I can achieve this.

code.png  •  25KB

updated by @dobmat: 04/14/14 04:06:42AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
The problem here is that you are only handling 1 condition in your "default" profile view. When a module has a profile.php file, then ALL requests for that module in a profile - i.e.*

are going to be routed through your "default" view.

So in your view here you need to check to see if $_post['_1'] is numeric - if it is, you need to show the item_detail.tpl file instead of item_list.tpl - i.e.

if isset($_post['_1']) && jrCore_checktype($_post['_1'], 'number_nz')) {
    $_it = jrCore_db_get_item('ModuleDir', $_post['_1']);
    return jrCore_parse_template('item_detail.tpl', $_it, 'ModuleDir');
else {
    .. what you already have ...

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
93 posts
I'm able to redirect to item_detail.tpl now. But on item detail page I'm getting exceptions,
jrCore_item_detail_buttons: invalid item array received
jrImage_display: image item_id parameter required
jrCore_item_detail_features: invalid item array received

I tried to modify the code that you gave by using jrCore_db_search_items function to get all details of the item. I can see in the smarty console that the contents of the items are there. But I still get the same exception. Please help.

Screenshot-2.png  •  47KB

updated by @dobmat: 04/15/14 02:39:24AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Near the top of your custom module you should have a call like this:

{jrCore_item_detail_buttons module="gsVenue" field="venue_file" item=$item}

Note that "venue_file" needs to be the field name of the file you allow to be uploaded when creating/updating one of your items - if you don't allow a file, remove the field param.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
93 posts
Do you mean to say that if I have for e.g. a image file uploaded during item creation I need to have the "field" in my template code?

11 years ago
10,149 posts
Do you mean to say that if I have for e.g. a image file uploaded during item creation I need to have the "field" in my template code?


No - not for an image, say if you were allowing an audio file, video file, etc. to be uploaded.

Remove it for now just to be sure things are working.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
93 posts
I don't have that line "field" in my template code. I see in the smarty console that there is no array $item but what is there is $_items. is that what I need to use?

updated by @dobmat: 04/15/14 07:18:41AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I don't have that line "field" in my template code. I see in the smarty console that there is no array $item but what is there is $_items. is that what I need to use?


No - you should not see $_items - you should see $item. $_items will only be set for your item_list.tpl file. I think it's important to take a step back here and try to understand what you are actually doing - without understanding what you are doing you're just going to be operating in a 100% "reactive" mode where you are making changes to things without understanding why you are doing them.

In your profile.php file now, there should be 2 different jrCore_parse_template calls - one to "item_list.tpl" and one to "item_detail.tpl".

item_list.tpl - this is the template that is used when you are displaying a list of items from the module. It will contain a smarty foreach loop where it loops over the $_items array - for each entry in the $_items array it will process the inside of the foreach loop one time. This is how we create a "list".

The way that the $_items array is built is by a call to jrCore_db_search_items() - this is the DataStore function that is used to get multiple items, and order them, etc.

item_detail.tpl - this template is used to display the information for a single item - not a list of items. There will be no foreach loop inside this template, and the data for the item will be in the $item array - not $_items (since there is only a single entry). The information for a single item is pulled from the DataStore using jrCore_db_get_item() - since we know the item_id we do not have to use the search function.

Since you are seeing an $_items array in your item_detail.tpl file, you are using the wrong datastore function to get the item.

The most simple profile.php "default" view should look something like this:

if (isset($_post['_1']) && jrCore_checktype($_post['_1'], 'number_nz')) {
    $_rp = array();
    $_rp['item'] = jrCore_db_get_item('module_dir', $_post['_1']);
    return jrCore_parse_template('item_detail.tpl', $_rp, 'module_dir');
else {
    $_sc = array(
        'limit' => 10
    $_rp = jrCore_db_search_items('module', $_sc);
    return jrCore_parse_template('item_list.tpl', $_rp, 'module_dir');

Remember this is the most simple profile router, and somethings to note:

1) we create an array called $_rp (replacement) that we pass into jrCore_parse_template - the keys and values of this array are way are going to be available to us in our template. When we are processing our item_detail.tpl, see how we assign the returned array to the "item" key? This means the item information will be part of the $item variable inside the template.

2). jrCore_db_search_items() takes an array of parameters for it's second argument - you will need to flush that out to suit your needs.

Spend some time testing and playing around with this so you get an idea of how things work - that will allow you to move forward a better pace when you understand how the profile routing works.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 04/15/14 07:56:51AM
11 years ago
93 posts
Thanks a lot for the detailed information. I'm working on a tight schedule and new to Jamroom which is why I'm having to use what ever information I can get and try to tailor it to my requirements.

