Adding a clickable link on home page

11 years ago
64 posts
Please help me out here....
I want to add a clickable link on the header home page of MediaProLight next to Forum link and will only show up when a registered user logs in. This link should only point to a page where I display all purchasable Packages and there features.

Please help me out with the steps to do it.

Thanks so much.
updated by @randolph: 05/02/14 03:28:08PM
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Your link would look something like this:

{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/packages"{if isset($selected) && $selected == 'packages'} style="color: {$active_color};"{/if}>Purchasable Packages</a></li>

You would then start by creating a template named packages.tpl so your new link has some where to land. Note that you can change the name of the template to whatever you want it to be, just make sure to change the link in the header.tpl too. In that template, to get it to look like the rest of MediaPro, you'll want to start with this:

{assign var="selected" value="packages"}
{assign var="no_inner_div" value="true"}
{jrCore_page_title title=$page_title}
{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}

<div class="container">

    <div class="row">

        <div class="col12 last">

            <div class="title">

            <div class="body_1">
            	YOUR jrCore_list FUNCTION GOES HERE.



{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}

You can checkout this doc to see how the jrCore_list function is used.

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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