Lessons and Articles

11 years ago
334 posts
I am planning to use Jamroom to allow members to publish their music lessons and articles in certain categories beside their music, pics, blog etc..

I am not sure if Jamroom is the correct platform for this purpose. Any comment on this would be really appreciated. Thanks..
updated by @ilker: 05/04/14 04:33:47PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Jamroom is pretty flexible for setting your site up almost any way you want - from using Aparna to create new "clone" modules, to the Form Designer, you should be able to set as many categories on a profile as you would like. Is there something specific you've run into that makes you feel Jamroom wouldn't work for your setup?

Let me know and I can give you suggestions.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
334 posts
Hi Brian, thank you for your reply..
I am not so much familiar with php but ASP.NET. I have http://www.myguitarworkshop.com/ and plan to move it to Jamroom. But I am not sure if Jamroom covers all the functionality existing website has. Because most of the modules are not free it is not possible for me to play around. Demo sites have limited customizing options.
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Quite hard to know which functionality your meaning without specific examples.

Anything can be built with Jamroom, but how difficult/easy it is depends a lot on your skill level.

One thing you will want to know is that Jamroom is profile centric. So things like the Forums: http://www.myguitarworkshop.com/guitar_forums/default.aspx will be structured differently.

In Jamroom the forums are on a users profile. For example you are currently using the forums on 'The-Jamroom-Network' s profile here on jamroom.net, but there are other forums here on this site too.

N8Flex, another developer here on Jamroom, has his own forum here: https://www.jamroom.net/n8flex/forum

So structurally some things will be different.
11 years ago
334 posts
Basic functionality I need to have is to group lessons and articles. For example Music Theory Lessons, Beginner Lessons, Chord Lessons, Scales etc.

And then let all users to list lessons by these categories. And of course these lessons will be submitted by members and will also be listed under their profiles.

This main logic is also valid for all contributions like videos and musics.

The second part I need is a Reviews module which will let users to review certain instruments, albums etc..

11 years ago
7,791 posts
For a page like this one:

You would need to understand how the Form Designer works:

"Using the Form Designer"

From there you could use the "jrAparna" module

To create a base for your new 'xxReviews' module.

once you have the new 'xxReviews' module, use the form designer to add in
* Sound
* Sound Rating (rating select box.)
* Action, Fit & Finish
* Action, Fit & Finish (rating select box.)
* Reliability & Durability
* Reliability & Durability (rating select box.)
* Overall Impression
* Overall Impression (rating select box.)

Then allow the quotas who can create these reviews to have access to it.
11 years ago
334 posts
Hi Michael,

Yes I got the point. I will sure need "Form Designer" and "jrAparna" for a solution like Reviews.

But what if I'd like to let user to publish their own "guitar lesson" or "articles" and list them under their own profile and also in the main menu something like "Lessons".

Should I again create a new module named "Lessons" and enable jrEmbed module to let them add media into their lessons?

I am really sorry if it is a very simple and basic question. I am trying to understand.

11 years ago
10,149 posts
But what if I'd like to let user to publish their own "guitar lesson" or "articles" and list them under their own profile and also in the main menu something like "Lessons".

Jamroom is setup to do this well - it's really how almost all modules work. "articles" should be easy - just grant the profile quotas access to the "Page Creator" module (or even the Blog module if you would like it to be blog style).

For "Guitar Lessons" it depends on how those would be delivered - would a lesson be a "file" or a page of content? If a file, you could just use the File Downloads module. If it's a page of content, you could also use the Page Creator module (maybe use the Blog module for articles and the Page Creator module for lessons?).

Either way, you can 100% customize all the language strings so everything says "articles" and "lessons" everywhere - that's no problem.

All the entries can be listed, searched, sorted, etc. anywhere on your site using the jrCore_list template function - it's extremely flexible and can be thought of as the "swiss army knife" of listing anything on your site, in any way you want, with any restrictions you want:


I am really sorry if it is a very simple and basic question. I am trying to understand.

No worries - JR works a bit different than a lot of other frameworks/CMS's you might be used to, but once you see how flexible it is you'll see you can really do almost anything you want with pretty minimal work.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
334 posts
Thank you Brian. Great support! I have downloaded the core and playing around for a couple of days and checking how I can customize it for my website.
