But what if I'd like to let user to publish their own "guitar lesson" or "articles" and list them under their own profile and also in the main menu something like "Lessons".
Jamroom is setup to do this well - it's really how almost all modules work. "articles" should be easy - just grant the profile quotas access to the "Page Creator" module (or even the Blog module if you would like it to be blog style).
For "Guitar Lessons" it depends on how those would be delivered - would a lesson be a "file" or a page of content? If a file, you could just use the File Downloads module. If it's a page of content, you could also use the Page Creator module (maybe use the Blog module for articles and the Page Creator module for lessons?).
Either way, you can 100% customize all the language strings so everything says "articles" and "lessons" everywhere - that's no problem.
All the entries can be listed, searched, sorted, etc. anywhere on your site using the jrCore_list template function - it's extremely flexible and can be thought of as the "swiss army knife" of listing anything on your site, in any way you want, with any restrictions you want:
I am really sorry if it is a very simple and basic question. I am trying to understand.
No worries - JR works a bit different than a lot of other frameworks/CMS's you might be used to, but once you see how flexible it is you'll see you can really do almost anything you want with pretty minimal work.
Hope this helps!
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom