Couple Suggestions

11 years ago
3 posts
Hello Great Product here our family was using a site for this i will be starting it over ith this but heres some suggestions
1) I think tree shoud go to where chart is
2) with married and divorced couples in the family tree (chart) it should something differentiating whether currently married or divorced from that member
im sure i will have more input once i get a chance to get through mostly after i download and install it
updated by @jamesd116: 07/09/16 09:21:02AM
11 years ago
10,148 posts
Hello Great Product here our family was using a site for this i will be starting it over ith this but heres some suggestions
1) I think tree shoud go to where chart is
2) with married and divorced couples in the family tree (chart) it should something differentiating whether currently married or divorced from that member
im sure i will have more input once i get a chance to get through mostly after i download and install it

Thanks for the feedback:

1) Do you just mean swapping the menu items at the top of the page?

2) The concept of the chart should show the generations that come from a marriage. For example, if a man has been married twice, in the chart if you click on the small magnifying glass you get a drop down that shows their spouse(s), children and siblings - if you were to click on the other spouse in that drop down, the chart would update and reflect the parents/grand parents if the new spouse.

Let me know if that helps at all on the second one, or if I misunderstood it.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/29/14 09:23:55AM
11 years ago
3 posts
I see how you have the second one done now and it seems like it would work I like the option of showing/not showing the marriages it may take ppl a moment to get used to that but we will see once I am able to buy it.... How much do you plan on selling it for.
Looks like I cant see much without logging in so i will have to wait to see how it works.
I see the wording events at the bottom but it doesnt link so Im sure that probably a logging in thing.
updated by @jamesd116: 12/29/14 09:23:55AM
11 years ago
10,148 posts
I see how you have the second one done now and it seems like it would work I like the option of showing/not showing the marriages it may take ppl a moment to get used to that but we will see once I am able to buy it.... How much do you plan on selling it for.
Looks like I cant see much without logging in so i will have to wait to see how it works.
I see the wording events at the bottom but it doesnt link so Im sure that probably a logging in thing.

Genosis has an extra layer of security on top that let's you lock the site down and basically have it be an "invite only" type setup (which is what I run on our family tree) - I don't mind visitors browsing ancestors born before 1900, so I have opened that up, but I only want direct family members having a login on the site, and I also want to be able to grant researcher status to those users that want to assist in building the tree.

So it's pretty flexible. Right now you can get Genosis for $19 - it will be going to $39 once it's been out for a while.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 12/29/14 09:23:55AM
