I built a skin for myself yet its not mobile friendly at all.
I have been trying to think of a solution to work around this with out having to create more work for myself.
redirecting to a seperate mobile_index page wasnt a very good solution for me. Every page would require a redirect.
I was hoping I could set one of the Jamroom skins to use for mobile devices.
Is there a way I can set up the site when viewed by a mobile device to use skin2 as the default skin for mobile devices and skin1 for desktops and others?
At first I thought this would be no problem. I can just call a redirect to mobile.mysite and install a second copy of Jamroom with the mobile ready skin. However the /data/ on site2 would not be the same as site1.
Then I realized a better way and probably the way to do this would be change the setting in the jrCore to set as skin2 when the index was hit with a mobile device. Any ideas on how I can do this or is there a better way to achieve this?
updated by @developer-networks: 04/13/14 08:20:57AM