solved Audio player and/or Image resize question.

11 years ago
517 posts
So, I'm getting really close to re-releasing my site, there's just a few more things I want to knock out. Thanks everyone for your help so far!!

A quick question about the HTML5 players - Can the album_image be inserted into the HTML5 player such that it looks something like the attached photoshopped image?

If not, where can I control the exact pixel size of the predetermined image sizes? (small, medium, xlarge...etc)

I'm essentially trying to line up the height of the audio image to the player. Thank you!
player.jpg  •  11KB

updated by @ilovehousemusic: 04/21/14 07:28:06AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
You would just adjust the width/height of the img element next to the player, and choose the image size that is closest to it in pixel width.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Use firebug it's a browser extension for Firefox. If you right click you can see the div tags used in the CSS to anything you need. It will also let you type in changes and view them live until you refresh the page. This will let you know what to set in your css
11 years ago
517 posts
You would just adjust the width/height of the img element next to the player, and choose the image size that is closest to it in pixel width.

Let me know if that helps.

Ah yes, I was able to resize the image > style="max-width:125px;max-height:125px;"

This can be closed. thank you!
11 years ago
517 posts
I just realized I can close my own topics when solved. Cool. :)
