solved any skin coming out based on only events

11 years ago
346 posts
Just wondering if you guys will created anytime soon a skin base on events only...just like you did recently a skin base only on photography, artwork , images.

Let me know

updated by @boplive: 05/20/14 09:27:57PM
11 years ago
517 posts
@Paul had some good event modules on the JR4 side. I think he'd be a good starting point.
11 years ago
517 posts
@boplive - on that same note - I think if there was an API that imported Venues from a existing database, that would be tight. On my old Jamroom 4 site, I had a developer hack the club module.

What it did was:

1. admin such as myself would do a Google search for a venue using Google API. Select the venue, then ADD it to the Venue database. Including Address and Latitude+Longitude.

2. Artists could add an event and choose from a list of existing Venues. Quite time consuming because I would have to add clubs on request if they did not exist. Mainly did it for California clubs since that's where we're based.

3. In the event ranking page, Viewer would see CLOSEST TO ME | NEWEST | HIGHEST RATING
The trick is -when they view CLOSEST TO ME, the ranking would use jrGeo_Locate to get their LAT+LONG, then find Venues with LAT+LONG within a certain distance of that viewer, and display events closest to them.

It was a pretty slick hack for the JR4 site, spent more than I would have liked on it. But all that is lost now.

I'm sure there are easier ways to accomplish the same thing now. Come to think of it, the jrNova skin has a "closest to me" Event Listing but I'm not sure how that works exactly.

I'll tell you what, If you can convince @paul to make something similar I'd be willing to divulge that code to him if it helps any.

I had a lot of cool sh!t on my JR4 site that I wish I had in JR5….though JR5 is proving to be a great system so far!
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 02/26/14 05:25:25PM
11 years ago
346 posts
Tht sounds like a kool module you had there..especially with the use of google api and had that ranking with the geo location ;)... . Know paul has something good going with his giglodge also using I believe google api and looks and works very good on his its all about the convincing part ;) thnx ILHM
11 years ago
346 posts
ILHM...any chance you have a jr4 up and running....would like to take a look at that custom module that your talking about...see how it works :)
11 years ago
517 posts
No it's down for good. =(
As a follow up, I looked at the Nova Events (concerts) template and the ranking I thought was "Events near Me" is actually "By Location", alphabetically. It was the jrMobile module that had a tab for "Clubs Near me" I think?

I think Resident Advisor has an API but I don't know if can pull Venues. Regardless I think Google API would be a better choice.

I recall now, first I would log into my Club Module, Select Add Club. Then it would take me to a Google Map API. I would first select a City (this narrows down the search). Then type the Venue Name, hit search. A list of search results would appear. I would select the venue, hit save. IT adds to the Club Database.

I'm sure there's a better way to do that now though...
11 years ago
346 posts

I have one of my jr4 site still up...what are the chances you can share that jr4 module so I can upload it and check it out...who knows...maybe I can work with you to do something with this for jr5
11 years ago
346 posts
No it's down for good. =(
As a follow up, I looked at the Nova Events (concerts) template and the ranking I thought was "Events near Me" is actually "By Location", alphabetically. It was the jrMobile module that had a tab for "Clubs Near me" I think?

I think Resident Advisor has an API but I don't know if can pull Venues. Regardless I think Google API would be a better choice.

I recall now, first I would log into my Club Module, Select Add Club. Then it would take me to a Google Map API. I would first select a City (this narrows down the search). Then type the Venue Name, hit search. A list of search results would appear. I would select the venue, hit save. IT adds to the Club Database.

I'm sure there's a better way to do that now though...

I'm gonna check out the jrmobile module tonight when I get home...I still have that :)...THANKS.....ILHM
11 years ago
4,335 posts
I've done a lot of work with JR and gig based sites over the years, mainly with my idea of setting up a gig archive. Unfortunately the idea has never really took off. Its not easy to promote a website without chucking loads of effort and money at it is my conclusion!!
The latest incarnation of the idea is
Its JR5 based and I put the site together last year.
Check it out and post any thoughts about it. If any of its ideas can translate to a JR5 module or skin, lets talk about it.
I still want a global gig archive. Maybe it can be done within the JR community?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 02/28/14 10:21:24AM
11 years ago
517 posts
@boplive - Let me dig up my backup files from JR4.

@paul - I'll peep that, thanks!
11 years ago
517 posts
@boplive can you send me an email at brian [at] untz [dot] com? Let's chat off line. thanks!
11 years ago
346 posts
Hey Paul...The google map integration is something that will be nice to have on a site...if that was an upcoming module..I believe many will pick it up...
also like the point spread feature you have on giglodge...points for uploading pics, audio,etc...thats a kool feature
11 years ago
346 posts
The event module in genesis looks very nice since it has google map integration. ..can that be Used without genesis core and be use in the original jr5 core
11 years ago
10,148 posts
The event module in genesis looks very nice since it has google map integration. ..can that be Used without genesis core and be use in the original jr5 core

No - the timeline/events module for Genosis is 100% custom to Genosis.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
346 posts there a module like the Genesis Event that is coming out soon..
which has the google map integration in it that relates to an event
11 years ago
10,148 posts
boplive: there a module like the Genesis Event that is coming out soon..
which has the google map integration in it that relates to an event

Google Maps "integration" is simple a call to the Google Maps URL with the location you want to display - there's really no need for an extra "module" to do it.

Just be aware that if you sell stuff on your site, integrating with Google Maps is not allowed due to their terms of service.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
346 posts

nah...I won't be selling stuff on my site

I did see some info about it on Steve X forum about the google map I'll check it out and see if I can do something with it...If I run into any problems...I'll ask for your help guys.. :)

as always Jamroom:)...gracias para todos tu ayuda...(my

11 years ago
2,584 posts
Just be aware that if you sell stuff on your site, integrating with Google Maps is not allowed due to their terms of service.

I don't think that is correct, you can use the google maps API on a commercial site.

You can sell things, you can run adverts, and you can charge subscriptions as long as the subscription is not to access the site. Google says you are ok to use their api as long as your site is "generally accessible to consumers without charge".

They specifically don't want it used by intranet only sites, or if "your site is only available to paying customers".
Does my site meet the Terms of Service for the Google Maps API?

The Maps API is available for all sites that are accessible to consumers without charge. You can use the Google Maps APIs on both commercial and non-profit websites as long as your site meets the Terms of Service.

However, there are some uses of the Google Maps APIs that we just don't want to see: maps that identify the places to buy illegal drugs in a city, for instance, or any other illegal activity. We also respect people's privacy, so the Google Maps APIs shouldn't be used to identify private information about individuals.

You should use your own counsel to determine whether your application complies with the Terms of Service before you develop and launch it. Google engineers can only offer technical assistance and are not qualified to offer legal advice. Google reserves the right to suspend or terminate your use of the service at any time, so please read the Terms of Service carefully.

If you operate an enterprise or commercial website, you may also be interested in Google Maps API for Business which has modified Terms of Service that may better suit your needs.

Can I use the Google Maps API on a commercial website?

As long as your site is generally accessible to consumers without charge, you may use the Google Maps API. For example, if your website is supported by advertising, it likely falls within the Google Maps API Terms of Service. If you charge people to place information on your map (e.g. to list their homes for sale), but you display this information using the Google Maps API on a free part of your site, you'll also meet the Google Maps API Terms of Service.

However, not all commercial uses are allowed. For example, if your site meets any of the following criteria you must purchase the appropriate Google Maps API for Business license:

Your site is only available to paying customers.
Your site is only accessible within your company or on your intranet.
Your application relates to enterprise dispatch, fleet management, business asset tracking, or similar applications.

Remember, Google reserves the right to suspend or terminate your use of the Google Maps API at any time, so please ensure that you read the Terms of Service carefully.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)
11 years ago
10,148 posts
Ahh thanks Steve - I should have refreshed my memory before posting like I knew what I was talking about ;)

Thanks for the clarification.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
517 posts
Good to know @SteveX!
11 years ago
2,584 posts
I'm pretty sure their terms changed since I last looked at them about a year ago. They seem clearer and/or more permissive than I remember them.

A ujGoogleMaps module is now available here:

To make that work for events you'd add a googlemaps field to your event forms using the Form designer.

Then add this into your list item or item detail template to show a single location:
{ujGoogleMaps_map name="map" map=$item module="jrEvent" height="200"}

To show a map of all events in a list (for a profile or whole site), use this in jrEvent item_list.tpl outside of the foreach loop:
{ujGoogleMaps_map name="anothermap" map=$_items module="jrEvent" height="400"}
The two calls there are pretty much the same - you pass in one item and it maps that one item, pass in an array of items and it creates a map for all of the items.

It works by the user entering a location (with livesearch results), such as "Europe" or a postcode/zipcode. So you get a street level map for a postcode, or a map of a city, country, continent, landmark etc.

There are some more notes about what you can do with it here:
Note that I'm only providing support for the basic features although much more is documented and it's quite versatile.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Education, learning resources, TEL, AR/VR/MR, CC licensed content, panoramas, interactive narrative, sectional modules (like jrDocs), lunch at Uni of Bristol. Get in touch if you share my current interests or can suggest better :)

updated by @ultrajam: 04/16/14 01:53:58PM
