I have a member who I have made 'invisible' to other members by UNchecking their "profile Active" box on their profile settings. I've checked and that is working fine- as Admin I can see all their posts and content and page, but when I log in as a 'regular member' I cannot see any of that person's content... not even mentions of their content in my site's home page timeline. My (admin) moderators can see his content as well as me. All good. (I want them to not realize they've been deactivated... better for them to just think no one is interested in interacting with them, and hoping they'll get bored and drift away.)
BUT my question is about site notifications. I have a regular member who just wrote to me that she got an email notification that this person had left a comment on one of her photos. When she went to the photo to see the comment, she could not see it (that's good). However, in her notification it QUOTED the invisible member's name and most of their comment. (not good)
I remember long ago I adjusted my site's notifications to include a long text quote of a post or comment they were getting notified about. I remember i had choices there. I can't find where that setting is now. Where to find it please so I can reduce or eliminate the quote feature of the notification?
Ideally, the invisible/inactive person's posts and comments would not trigger email notifications to other members. But I realize that this might be part of mailgun which is not so much under jamroom control? Not sure. But I could live with things as they are if I can adjust the quote setting of Notifications.
Been looking but can't find the place for that setting... thanks!
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015