stream pay mod

Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, what I'm wanting stream pay to do, is bill the customer for the stream

so seems have to add the stream to the shopping cart

so have to modify the code

updated by @dean-venier: 05/26/24 07:46:35PM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
seems have to get it to post the stream to the shopping cart
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
if can get someone to mod the stream pay code

to where it bills the customer for the stream

I could probably pay someone bit to do the mod for me
last year
7,799 posts
can't happen. it would be an amazingly awful flow that nobody would want to use. Imagine trying to use spotify and having to enter your credit card details between listening to each song.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
people rent movies online

unless sell 10 streams or 25 streams for a price yet some streams are worth more then others

yet stream pay seems to get the website to pay for the stream, when it should be the customer
updated by @dean-venier: 02/24/24 06:46:27PM
last year
7,799 posts
Right, thats a different setup, the stream pay is not what you're looking for. What you're trying to do is sell the item but then not allow downloads of that item, restrict it to just streaming.

Not sure we have that built yet, right now if someone purchases something they get to download it. You'd want a way to block that and instead setup a player where they can view it.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
I'd want to sell downloads too for sync deals with an agreement.

yet yea stream pay would work if it bill the customer or user, instead of the website.

could have a list where pick 1 stream 10 streams or 25 streams, and have prices for each

yea and bill the. customer for the stream(s)
updated by @dean-venier: 02/24/24 07:42:26PM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, with streampay, it bills the website, yet if it added it to the shopping cart instead of billing the website

so, theres just that to change for code
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet I found what might work is daily limits, for a quota(s) that someone buys into
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 02:29:10AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet yea what I'd like to sell is a stream(s) to the customer, and seems need a coder to do the code for it yet
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 02:32:48AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet if stream pay code wise, billed the customer, instead of the website, for the stream I'd be happy with that
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 02:37:18AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yea yet to view my one opera, I'd want at least 1k

prices are going to be more, because don't have ads trying to pay for it all
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 03:26:19AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, yea don't think stream pay work with a shopping cart mod,

have to build something new.
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 03:30:30AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yea yet it's, the, price for the stream, that's going to go up,

so can make a living.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yea be nice if could have a price for the stream, that is in the customers shopping cart
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, I guess it's all new having a stream, that can bill the customer for

wonder when have an option like that
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yes, so if could have it where can bill the customer or user for the stream(s), be happy with that
last year
304 posts
Hi, Dean, I have set up a system of doing what you want (sort of) but unfortunatly stream pay although registers in the log each stream and who streamed, I cannot figure how to pay the artist for each stream. If someone buys a download track then the payment goes on the artist profile and will get paid to the artist when authorised, this is not the case with Streampay. I have requested some help on this but ?
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yes, so, what it seems stream pay tries to do, is bill the website for the stream, thinking that ads are going to pay for the art, when really it should be the customer, that pays for the stream(s)

yet denny if you could get it so it bills the customer for a stream, instead of the website, I'd pay you for the code
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 06:12:44AM
last year
304 posts
This is what I did so that someone pays to stream:-
Hi Michael, I have read, re-read and read again the documentation for this module but still cannot figure it out.
This is how I have configured things.
I created 4 quotas. 1 Everyone joins this one for normal access to the site. 2. Artist Quota – this one allows for purchase of tracks to download. 3. Artist Quota 2 – this one is for streaming only and can only be accessed by subscription. 4. Quota for (listener subscribers) to access streaming.
To separate streaming from normal I have put the Artist in 2 separate quotas But with a slight alteration to their name. Example:- Artist Quota Michael. Artist Quota 2 Michael-Stream
This has prevented any conflict. I have uploaded tracks to Artist quota with price on them and Artist Quota 2 No Price No Stream Pay because there is a default of 1 cent per stream.
I created a test user with a subscription to stream This is in quota Listener. It works that the subscriber can access 'Streaming' from the top menu (Only visible to Subscribers in the Listener quota
The Subscriber (Listener) streams a track and it is shown straight away in ACP>Modules>Stream Pay> Credit Log.
If I then go to Module>Payment Support>Profile Payout>Artist Quota 2>There are no profiles with pending payouts
So I do not understand how to transfer streaming revenue to the Artist in Artist Quota 2.
I have complete control of all Artist Quotas. The Artist does not have access, because I have a record company registered in the UK and these tracks are all registered on my label. I have another site that gives access to the Artist So I upload all tracks and information.
I hope this explains the configuration for you.
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet if use daily limits one a quota, limit the amount of streams per quota, it might work

could have the quota as a subsciption, that only has a certain amount of streams and a price

yet daily limits is for the upload
updated by @dean-venier: 02/25/24 08:37:56AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet if you think, the stream is like an online rental, and it's only good for a day
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, really could have a quota subscription, with limited amount of streams per day per quota

if modified the code for daily limits
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yea yet I guess it isn't built that way yet

yet seems could do a code mod
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet as get more familiar with the type of source code Jamroom uses

could always modify it, or simply do some edits

I figure it'll take a few months before get it to work
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
yet yea what stream pay does is the old business model before internet.

where it bills a sponsor with ad money, for the customers streaming bills, as a listener.

so, seems to me streaming prices without ads, are going up

yet stream pay pays the profile, that has the art or music

yet it thinks the websites going to pay with ad money for the stream

when really it should bill the customer

stream pay, bills the website for the streams, and pays the profile that has the art

so, it shouldn't bill the website our it could too, yet what it should be doing is billing the customer for the stream(s), that's who really owes for the streams, is the customer

so, the without ads price for a stream isn't cents it's dollars, and the customer should be the one who pays the bill for the streams

can do that with internet, couldn't do that with the old business model before internet
updated by @dean-venier: 02/26/24 05:04:35AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, what stream pay could do with modified source code, is put the stream bill, in the users purchases, not the website, that it thinks has ad money

that's what I'm going to try and code

yet yea really the customer or the user owes the stream bill

and without ads most listeners can't afford the bill for a stream without ads

yet it hopes some sponsors going to pay for it all with ads

that's not the new business model with internet

the new business model is bill the user or customer for the stream

and streaming prices without ads are dollars not cents and are going up
updated by @dean-venier: 02/26/24 05:47:04AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
last year
108 posts
so, looks like's going I'm either going to have to edit the source code myself, or hire someone outside of jamroom, to edit the code for me. so it'll do what I want it to.

or might find code that does its for free
updated by @dean-venier: 02/26/24 02:02:24PM
