solved No Drop Down Box to show Genre

last year
304 posts
I want to add Genre to the Top Menu eg, Rock, Soul Pop etc but there is no drop down box displayed on the page /audio to do this? Could you explain how to produce this please. Screenshot attached
AudioPro2 Skin
Genre Missing.jpg
Genre Missing.jpg  •  14KB

updated by @ukdenny: 04/23/24 10:00:40PM
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Any skin your working in you can override the module templates in Jamroom.
So if you want to put a dropdown menu in the jrAudio module.
Name a file in your AudioPro2 skin jrAudio_index.tpl for example or in your case I think your trying to add the menu to the jrAudio_index_albums.tpl

so you want to copy the code from the JrAudio module templates to that tpl in your skin.

You can add your custom dropdown menu code there and edit it so it functions like you desire.
last year
304 posts
I have provided 2 screenshots to explain in more detail my issue.
It relates to AudioPro2 /audio
I want the Soundblitzrecords to look like the Songblitz, with the genre box shown in Songblitz screenshot and with the same layout as Songblitz. Is there a file missing in my ftp upload?
Songblitz Box.jpg
Songblitz Box.jpg  •  435KB

Soundblitzrecords.jpg  •  340KB

Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Just installed the audio pro 2 and installed songs and filled in the genre to each and it works like you see on soundblitzrecords by default. Can you update your skin on Songblitz to the latest version of the AudioPro2 skin?
updated by @developer-networks: 01/19/24 05:43:25AM
last year
304 posts
I cannot see how to download the AudioPro2 Skin it isnt in the market place. I have the Premium Hosting Package but Jamroom system wants me to download the trial version which is what I did for the version I have installed only a few days ago?
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
go to your jamroom account here

gather your market place credentials which consists of your email and your system system id

then go to your site and make sure you add that to access the market.

input your credentials to access the market.
updated by @developer-networks: 01/19/24 07:24:48AM
last year
304 posts
I already have the licence creds on the site. I downloaded the skin from the market place and still get the same issue. Can I not just download the latest version of AudioPro 2 and re-install it? Rather than down load all the individual modules from the market place showing my purchase?
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
So I would do a system check to make sure your server is meeting the minimum requirements.

Then if that is all good what I would do is update to all the latest files starting with the core.
then run integrity check:
* be sure to check all the boxes including Form Sessions, PHP Opcache.

If that does not straighten things out. I would try manually clearing the cache. (see picture)
go to your:


folder in your FTP and inside that folder you will see the module and skin folders of the cached files.

You can delete those folders like /jrCore and /jrAudioPro2 etc. I would just remove all them but dont delete the index.html or the /cache folder itself. The system will need them and you will get a white screen if you do.

*Also, please remember to back up your system before deleting anything so you can re deploy it quickly prior to your changes in-case you mess something up.

If you've updated all the files, integrity checked, cleared cache including Form Sessions, PHP Opcache and manually deleted the cache folders and re installed the latest version of jrCore and the AudioPro2 skin and it still is not showing you the new files i would suggest your server config has something going on and you would need more help getting it right. Jamroom offers hosting with tuned environments to run jamroom. Not all hosting is created equal and you might want to consider hosting with Jamroom.

If you are hosting with Jamroom already just put a ticket in and they can resolve this issue for you quickly.
updated by @developer-networks: 01/19/24 02:36:35PM
last year
304 posts
I have started a new /clean install with new database. Only installed the core at this stage. How can I fix the issue in the screenshot please.
last year
304 posts
I just got this from my hosting company:

The tools provided with your website are not working correctly:


[root@webhosting2003 tools]# ./ffmpeg -version
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

[root@webhosting2003 tools]# ./id3v2
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Those are binaries provided separately. I would recommend you to check this carefully with your website developers and make sure to upload suitable versions.

Kind regards,
Dmitry Oronov
InterServer, Inc
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
So those tools are enabled and installs are done by you or whoever is managing your server and it can vary depending on your OS.

I notice your hosting with InterServer, Inc and jamroom has a one click install option available. Ask your host provider to install it and tune your environment to work with jamroom:
last year
304 posts
The agent on Interserver could not help... So
I installed the app from Sofaculous and its okay now thanks
updated by @ukdenny: 01/22/24 04:08:23AM
last year
304 posts
Developer Networks:
Just installed the audio pro 2 and installed songs and filled in the genre to each and it works like you see on soundblitzrecords by default. Can you update your skin on Songblitz to the latest version of the AudioPro2 skin?

I have now installed a clean install on Soundblitz Records. Regarding the soundblitzrecords/audio does this require to be enabled or what because it's not like I want it, like what you have shown me. It's not there?
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Yes you need to enable jrAudio for it to work on the skin.
last year
304 posts
I really am having a problem finding how/where to enable this.
The audio is live and works but I cannot find how to produce the page that shows all the current audio and the genre box, Please help
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Its enabled by default in the jrAudioPro2 Version 2.0.2. Its not a matter of enable it or disable it feature. You upload the songs to jrAudio and set the genres and they will appear here:

If your using a different skin its not going to show the same dropdown genre menu.
last year
304 posts
Sorted now thanks with the url added
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
last year
566 posts
Glad to hear you got it working :)
