solved Paged list of filtered users

last year
184 posts
I am trying to display a paged list of users which includes only active, non-blocked, and good emails (per Kickbox). I can filter in the db query with 'user_active = 1' but if I try to include the other conditions (e.g. 'user_blocked != 1') the resulting join fails since the key 'user_blocked' is sporadic.

I have attempted to use a db_search_items_listener to perform the remaining filters but unfortunately this is triggered after the count is determined. Thus when I filter out the bad users (violating the count), the content runs out before the paging logic thinks it should.

I need a way to filter the content before the paging metadata is determined.

Looks to me as though there is no way to filter content in a paged display unless the filtering is done upfront in the db query itself. Is there a way to do this?


updated by @tig: 04/22/24 07:06:21AM
last year
7,788 posts
Yeah it would. That 'user_blocked != 1' is only going to be there on blocked users not all users. To avoid having to add it to all users and set it to 0 so that the search works, the first way I would look to do it is get all the users back in not paginated format using a while(true){} structure to get chunks of users at a time if you expected there to be a ton of results.

That would get the full unpaginated data set to work with then use a foreach loop to filter out the matching blocked !=1 users until you've got it down to just the user set you want then construct the pagination manually.

I'll try to find an example. back soon.
last year
7,788 posts
get all the users using a while, add in caching or sleep if you like:
function get_tigs_users(){
    $iid  = 0;
    $_tmp = array();
    while (true) {
        $_sp = array(
            'search'          => array(
                "_item_id > {$iid}"
            'order_by'        => array('_item_id' => 'asc'),
            'return_keys'     => array('user_name', 'user_whatever', 'user_group'),
            'skip_all_checks' => true,
            'limit'           => 500
        $_sp = jrCore_db_search_items('jrUser', $_sp);
        if ($_sp && is_array($_sp) && !empty($_sp['_items']) && count($_sp['_items']) > 0) {
            foreach ($_sp['_items'] as $u) {

                $iid = $u['_item_id'];

                // Exclude admin and master users
                if (empty($u['user_group']) || $u['user_group'] != 'user') {

                // Exclude empty users
                if (isset($u['user_blocked']) && $u['user_blocked'] == 1) {
                $_tmp[] = $u;
        else {
    return $_tmp;
last year
7,788 posts
Then the table pager goes something like this:

$_users = get_tigs_users();
$pagebreak = jrCore_get_pager_rows();
$page = 1;
if (isset($_post['p']) && jrCore_checktype($_post['p'], 'number_nz')) {
    $page = (int) $_post['p'];
$tcn  = count($_users);
$_usr = array_slice($_users, (($page - 1) * $pagebreak), $pagebreak, true);

$dat = array();
$dat[1]['title'] = 'User name';

foreach ($_usr as $_us) {
    $dat             = array();
    $dat[1]['title'] = $_us['user_name'];
    // how ever many cols here.....
$tpg = ceil($tcn / $pagebreak);
$_pg = array(
    'info' => array(
        'this_page'   => $page,
        'prev_page'   => ($page > 1) ? ($page - 1) : 0,
        'next_page'   => ($tpg > $page) ? ($page + 1) : 0,
        'total_pages' => $tpg

updated by @michael: 01/17/24 01:36:11AM
last year
184 posts

Much obliged. Basically, filter offline to get the count and then use that to establish a proper pager.

Thanks for the confirmation and a solution.


