My checkout is broken, I am getting emails like this below but I don't understand what is going on.
"An error was recently triggered for one of the templates for your store, Indie Gospel. There may be a fatal error in a twig template related to that page which will need to be corrected, otherwise customers may not be able to complete transactions for your store.
To correct this error, the first step is to recache and save your templates (including category and email templates) and test your store to ensure pages are displaying as they should. If the error persists, you will need to take a closer look at your templates to see what might be causing issues. If you're working with a developer for your store, it might be worth reaching out to them to ask them to assist you in debugging your templates. Also, you might find some additional information about this error from your stores error log available from your stores FoxyCart administration."
I am seeing the errors in the attached screenshots when "Submit Your Order" is pressed. It appears that the checkout template is somehow missing -
On testing a song sale, it also appears that "no payment needed" is being generated when there is a payment required as shown in the subtotal.
Standard Shipping $NaN
Order Total: $NaN
Ken Rich
updated by @ken-rich: 09/04/23 10:54:27PM