As some of you already know, we're in the process of moving to a new hosting data center for Jamroom Hosting, as we have access to faster and newer servers - as well as larger block storage options (up to 10TB and more).
We've already contacted several of you via Support Ticket to get your sites moved over to the new servers, and so far that has gone REALLY well. The new servers are fast and snappy.
Our new plans are listed here:
We've simplified the Jamroom hosting plans and for most of you there are good upgrades in CPU power, RAM and storage space - even all 3. For those of you on the larger plans the upgrades can almost double your server power. For those of you on our older 15G, 20G and 25G plans you'll get upgrades to disk space and CPU/RAM as well. You'll want to be on one of our new servers to take advantage of the Jamroom 7 beta as they have much newer installs of PHP.
If you would like to have your sites moved to a new server make sure and contact us via Support Ticket - or follow up here and I can reach out to you with a ticket.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 08/19/23 10:03:24AM