A Watermarks module would be nice!

3 years ago
694 posts
Currently it seems that:
(1) there is no JR documentation for using watermarks,
(2) the Image Support module gives little guidance,
(3) there are a few scattered Support forum threads that do not lead to much information.

It would be wonderful if Users could choose to add watermarks to images in their own profile galleries.

For a social network, it is not of much practical use to have just a single watermark that applies to all Galleries.

At a minimum, it would be useful to have instructions in the Documentation on how to manage the existing watermark system.


PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 12/23/22 10:23:49AM
3 years ago
694 posts
Here is what I have found so far:

1. To watermark images displayed profiles in a particular quota:

ACP->Modules->Image Support->Quota Config->Watermark-->checkbox "Watermark Images"

If this option is checked, when an image is displayed it will be watermarked using the watermark image that is active in the Image Support -> Images tab.

2. To change the watermark:

ACP->Modules->Image Support->Images tab.

Under the images tab, three default images are shown that are provided by Jamroom.

The default watermark is a transparent png with the Jamroom logo. When a Custom transparency is added, it appears in the middle column and is used if the "active" box is checked.

3. The custom watermark will not take effect until we do a cache reset: ACP-->System Tools-->Reset Image caches

4. Currently, it appears that only one watermark image can be set up for the entire social network. The same image will be shown on displayed images on all profiles in any quota for which Quota Config has been used to add a watermark.

5. In Gallery, the watermark appears on all displayed images, even in the Lightbox, but when the image is downloaded, the watermark disappears.

6. It appears that individual profile owners (in a social network with many users) cannot watermark Gallery images that they wish to keep copyright control over. This might make it difficult to set up a profile as a shopfront for selling images. In the following location, there is a checkbox to limit the watermark to images for sale:

ACP-->Modules-->Image Support-->Quota Config-->Watermark-->Only Images for Sale

This would be useful for a network with only one purpose for images (i.e. selling).

Note: A photoshop express account at /express.adobe.com/ can be used to make photos transparent and download as png (transparent). The desktop app for photoshop has transparency options thoroughly hidden.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (researchcooperative.org)

updated by @researchcooperative: 09/24/22 05:23:57PM