Hey everyone! I'm hoping someone can take a few second to help me out here. I'm trying to install Jamroom locally as a Sandbox before I go mucking around a working live version for a friend of mine and I am at a loss as to what could be going wrong...
I am using:
Ubuntu 20.04,
PHP 8.1.4,
service php 8.1-fpm status shows Active (running)
mysql 8.0.28
The config.php file creates just fine with the proper data, but for whatever reason no database tables are being created. I've also tried running the repair.php file, but same deal -- No tables being created.
I can only attach 1 file so have attached the error screen, but the "install.php" page doesn't show any errors and everything looks good to go according to it.
I'm not much of a network admin guy, so will be banging my head against the wall very shortly. Any help would be greatly appreciated as drywall is expensive these days=)
updated by @theshado: 07/29/22 05:54:35PM