solved Just Installed the New Core and Got a Red Dot Warning About Uploads in System Check

4 years ago
44 posts
Hi Paul and Brian and All,

It's been a while, but I think the new core may have a bug. Got the following warning in System Check
Max Upload -0B increase post_max_size and upload_max_filesize in your php.ini to allow larger uploads
View the FAQ on increasing the allowed upload size
I have a multiphp mnager in CPanel, which shows post_max_size as 256 and upload_max_filesize as 250...

What in the world is going on? Will my clients not be able to upload anymore...

Please help.

updated by @jammerpro: 06/24/21 01:32:02PM
4 years ago
7,799 posts
Try uploading something, see if it works.

The function that goes and gets that info for the warning is the jrCore_get_max_allowed_upload() function and it hasn't changed since 2017 so the warning doesn't seem like a likely cause of issue.

To get the values of your post_max_size and the upload_max_filesize the code is:
   $php_pmax = (int) ini_get('post_max_size');
    $php_umax = (int) ini_get('upload_max_filesize');

Seems unlikely that ini_get() function would be blocked by the server.
4 years ago
44 posts
Where do you want me to "upload" that code... In other words, is there a file I should add that code to, or should I create a file to do that? Kindly treat me like a "newbie" and walk me through how to do this. Thanks.
4 years ago
44 posts
Also, noticed something very strange in my skins folder after updating jrNova. The shortcut jrNova leads to jrNova-release-1.6.0 not the new jrNova-release-1.6.3. Can't seem to edit it. Paul initially did some work on it, Not sure what's going on with the updates to the Nova skin since... Looks like 1.6.0 is locked in with the shortcut.
updated by @jammerpro: 06/24/21 05:31:45AM
4 years ago
44 posts
Solved. My bad. I read the how to... and reconfigured to allow 128M uploads. Needed to change memory limit too. Sorry. Be well.
