in progress How do I add graphics to the signup page ?

5 years ago
1,352 posts
How do I add graphics to the signup page ?

It would be good to have different sign up buttons on the sign up page .
For example if a quota has a signup for " fans " the fans I con would show up on the signup page .
Each sign up button would have a different color to avoid sign up problems .
I am finding users selecting the wrong sign up .

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 01/14/21 10:42:06AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
ACP=>Users=>Users=>Site Options=>Enable Templates

Check this, then edit the User module's user_signup.tpl template as required.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
1,352 posts
ACP=>Users=>Users=>Site Options=>Enable Templates

Check this, then edit the User module's user_signup.tpl template as required.

what's the code ?

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 09/07/20 05:29:01PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: what's the code ?

That is down to you and what you want to do. Users tend to customise templates theirselves. Alternatively, if you can fully specify what is required we can quote you for the work.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
1,352 posts
I need the signup page to have the different signup buttons show on the signup page depending on what quota you make available for signup .
For example signup as a fan would have a different button than the artist button with a different color in stead of the the radio select on the signup page
Form designer should allow this option to use image of choice that would reflect the signup quota for example " fans "

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 09/08/20 10:39:08AM
5 years ago
1,352 posts
I would like the option to have the different quota buttons with different colors for each quota instead of of the radio buttons.
Please see the attachment .
BUTTONS.jpg  •  680KB

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 09/10/20 01:10:10PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
What are the buttons going to link to? Are they to effectively replace the 'Create Account' button at the bottom of the form? Please detail exactly how you want the signup process to work and we'll quote you for modifying the template.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
1,352 posts
What are the buttons going to link to? Are they to effectively replace the 'Create Account' button at the bottom of the form? Please detail exactly how you want the signup process to work and we'll quote you for modifying the template.

I am going to scrap that idea for now because the signup user could still select the wrong account type even if there is different buttons .

How do I change the text color for the different quota on the signup form ? I am going to try that instead.

It would be still a good idea to add graphics and HTML to the form designer

Thanks JR

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 09/14/20 05:13:30PM
