I did it on a site I'm doing, every page has its own title and description. In the meta.tpl file, I did this above the title tags:
{if isset($profile_page_title) && strlen($profile_page_title) > 0}
{assign var="page_title" value=$profile_page_title}
{elseif isset($page_title) && strlen(page_title) > 0}
{assign var="page_title" value=$page_title}
{elseif isset($default_title) && strlen(default_title) > 0}
{assign var="default_title" value=$default_title}
{jrCore_lang skin="AllPro" id="1" assign="default_title"}
and then on the front-end pages I did something like this just above the header.tpl include line:
{if isset($_conf.AllPro_about_title) && strlen($_conf.AllPro_about_title) > 0}
{assign var="page_title" value=$_conf.AllPro_about_title}
{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="86" default="About" assign="page_title"}
{jrCore_page_title title=$page_title}
Then created a field in the skins config.php file for each page on the site.
Then I created custom form fields for the profile so each profile page could have its own title well.
You can do the same for keywords and page descriptions too.
I know that can make for a lot of skin config fields and custom form fields, but my client wanted it this way so he could change the title, keywords and description for each individual page if needed.
BTW, user id=1 is the master admins profile ID, so that would not be the home page, it would be the master admins profile page.
Hope this helps,
Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
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