Idea for an option in polls

Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
5 years ago
831 posts
For some time now i have been using the polls created by wordpress or crowdsignal. They have an embed code so its easy to post them in the blogs on my JR site. The reason i still use these polls instead of the built in poll on JR is one simple option. On the poll in wordpress it lets you decide whether to block or unblock repeat voting. I leave this open and unblocked because it lets people refresh the page a million times and keep voting. The polls on JR do not let you do this, but is it possible to create this option? The reason why this is useful for me is that i use polls to have battle of the bands and it gives any band with a small fan base virtually the same advantage as a band with a larger fan base, since they can just sit at the page and just keep refreshing and voting till they go mad, if they are that interested in winning and so far it has been pretty successful. The benefit for me obviously is that this boosts overall traffic and hits on ads, which puts money in my pocket. The JR polls look really cool though and are already built in so i would much rather be able to use them in this same way. is this possible?
updated by @zachary-moonshine: 09/25/20 11:29:05PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
An interesting idea. Haven't looked at the Poll module code as yet but suspect that it would be doable. Will run it past the rest of the Team to see if we want to put this on our 'To Do' list.
Would this option be of interest to any other users?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
3,605 posts
I use jrPolls every once in a while on my site, but I can't imagine my members would respond favorably if they knew repeat voting was allowed..they are old fashioned and would probably see it as 'cheating'. Just my own usage.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks for the input Strumelia. If we were to allow this, it would be an option that site admins can enable (default being off, of course).

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
7,799 posts
You don't care that anybody could build a bot that just cycles their pole choice up to a million while they're sleeping. Turning your poll system into an open invitation to start a DDoS attack on your site?

Guy 1:
* builds a bot to make his and win, sets the amount of votes to 10,000.
* wins

Guy 2:
* didn't win last time, so also build a bot and sets it at 20,000
* wins

Third time you have a battle and instead of your server loading your site for your real visitors it now splits that time between visitors and bots thereby slowing it down for your actual users.

That's not a concern?
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
5 years ago
831 posts
I have not had any issues yet.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Zach - The Jamroom Team discussed your idea today and decided that the best approach to this is to make it 'global' across all modules that provide user interaction, not just Polls, but Like, Rating, Audio Streams etc., ie. anything that is counted and typically only allows one count per item per user.
Basically, functionality to support this would be added to the Core module, then other modules would register to use these features and supply limit parameters like 'total clicks per day, for instance. These parameters could be quota controlled, so users could effectively buy 'clicks', if you see what I mean?

This would be a fairly big undertaking to implement this that would take further thinking about to get it right, and is something we can put on a back-burner to do at some point, unless of course, you are will to sponsor its development which is the method we use to push development tasks up the 'to do' list.

Is this something you might be interested in?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
5 years ago
831 posts
Yes this might be something i am interested in, what exactly do you mean by sponsor ?
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
5 years ago
831 posts
So how much would this cost?