ISSUE from Last update 6.5.0

5 years ago
104 posts
Just did the core update to 6.5.0.
Core updated fine. Now can't do the rest of the system updates. The button allows clicking but nothing happens. Tried update with individual buttons. No help.
Also, seeing log in issues. No one can log in know. The admin seems to still be logged in on my computer but unable to log in for different devices. I ran the repair.php file. It ran but same issues.
updated by @emdiamond: 08/13/20 12:47:25PM
5 years ago
10,149 posts
If you can't click buttons, that's a javascript issue - running the repair.php SHOULD have fixed that since it resets the cache. Log in to your server and delete all .js files in -i.e. something like data/cache/jrElastic2

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
104 posts
No fix. I'm, using JRsage.
Cleared the cache files in
Ran Repair.php again.
Still no control.
Tried to change Skin but it won't let me do that either.
I'm clearing some more of the cache manually
5 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah that should really "just work" - Sage is an older skin that is pretty simple. Are you using any 3rd party modules that could be messing with things?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
104 posts
Went to my marketplace. Most modules are by jamroom. The following 3 below are not.
I can maneuver around in the admin screens. Most of the buttons work. That is. until you try to commit to a change. Like Update or Reset Selected Cache. It was working fine. The System Core Updated then nothing updates. Interesting issue.

Is there a way to change the Skin Manually? Just wondering if that may be a solution?

Spectrum Color Picker
by @ultrajam

by @ultrajam

Geo Flags
by @developer-networks
5 years ago
10,149 posts
Turn off the 2 ultrajam modules - those are for older versions of the editor - that could be the issue. If you have DB access just change the "module_active" column to "0" for those 2 modules in the jr_jrcore_module table, then truncate the jr_jrcore_cache, jr_jrcore_cache_value and jr_jrcore_cache_profile_id tables.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
104 posts
Well that was fun. No Banana.
I turned off all non Jamroom modules. Cleared the cache as you said in the DB.
Then went ahead and again cleared skin cache again.
Then ran repair again.
5 years ago
104 posts
Since I'm in the DB. Can I change the skin there?
I found jr_jrcore_skin` in the DB, but don't see a box to toggle active skin on and off.
5 years ago
104 posts
Found the spot to change the skin in the DB:
jr_jrcore_setting - (admin_skin - profile_skin)
Changed the skin but to no avail.
Weird issue!
Maybe one of the JR modules?
5 years ago
7,799 posts
yeah, you can change the skin in the database. Its in the jr_jrCore_settings table. The setting name is 'active_skin'. Here's a screeenshot of the value to change.

Change the value, then clear the caches.

either by running the repair.php like you did before, or by clearing out /data/cache via SFTP
skin.jpg  •  783KB

updated by @michael: 05/14/20 03:46:52PM
5 years ago
7,799 posts
It looks like your site is online, if the issue is still just buttons not working in the ACP and you'd like me to take a look at it, send your admin login details to support at jamroom dot net with a link to this thread and I'll take a look.
5 years ago
104 posts
Maybe this is the issue?

Memory Cache functions are missing Ensure APCu functions have been enabled in your PHP install
5 years ago
104 posts
I sent you the log in info. Let me know if it works. I am unable to log into site from other browsers or computers.
I still have admin access trough my computer which is logged in as current admin. I think I will lose it if I logout
5 years ago
7,799 posts
yeah the issue is jQuery is not available so the many of the buttons are not working. If you do find yourself in a situation of wanting to click a button you can use the browsers developer tools to remove the
and change the input type to "submit" and that usually gets the buttons to work. I needed to do that to login with the details you sent me.
5 years ago
104 posts
Is there away to fix this? The issue with jQuery.
updated by @emdiamond: 05/15/20 06:08:04AM
5 years ago
2,804 posts
Try clearing the cache in the data/cache/jrCore folder.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
104 posts
Cleared cache in the data/cache/jrCore folder.
Ran Repair.php again.
No Fix
5 years ago
10,149 posts
This was Michael's last response to your support ticket last night:

What I've done:
* Disabled the ADMIN SKIN module
* changed the skin to jrElastic2
* put the site in maintenance mode.

I cant do anything more until I hear from you about how to proceed.

So we were waiting on the SFTP info for your site. The Core module needs to be reloaded on your server.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
104 posts
This was Michael's last response to your support ticket last night:

What I've done:
* Disabled the ADMIN SKIN module
* changed the skin to jrElastic2
* put the site in maintenance mode.

I cant do anything more until I hear from you about how to proceed.

So we were waiting on the SFTP info for your site. The Core module needs to be reloaded on your server.

Ok,will do
