Paypal buy me button

11 years ago
195 posts
The paypal buy me button seams to appear only on the profiles audio page.Can I add it to the songs row or charts row?
updated by @johnchansa: 03/25/14 08:02:11PM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
The paypal buy me button seams to appear only on the profiles audio page.Can I add it to the songs row or charts row?

Sure - just go into the audio list (as master admin) and click on the farthest right icon (for configure buttons) in an entry - this will take you into the button config, and you can turn on the paypal button.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
195 posts
Did as you instructed and the paypal button is on.However,the paypal buy now button still does not appear on songs row or charts row.The button only shows in the profiles section.Maybe I misunderstood your response.
I was expecting that the songs_row.tpl and the charts_row.tpl would need some modification to include the paypal buy now button.
11 years ago
2,800 posts
Did as you instructed and the paypal button is on.However,the paypal buy now button still does not appear on songs row or charts row.The button only shows in the profiles section.Maybe I misunderstood your response.
I was expecting that the songs_row.tpl and the charts_row.tpl would need some modification to include the paypal buy now button.

That should work, make sure to clear your cache.

ACP > Core > Tools > Reset Caches

Hope this helps,


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 02/12/14 05:54:07AM
11 years ago
195 posts
I also gave the last suggestion a try and still there is no change.
Here is a link to one profile which has two songs which are priced and have the buy now button
Now see the links to the same songs on the song charts(the buy now button is absent) See Chart position 48 See Chart position 74
What could be the problem?
11 years ago
7,791 posts
First thing that is wrong with :

is that the 'Video Charts' tab light is on.
11 years ago
7,791 posts
Looks like the:
  {jrCore_item_list_buttons module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" item=$item} 

Isn't in the jrNova skins song_chart_row.tpl file.

I'll see if it can be added in.

11 years ago
195 posts
Thanks for noticing.I just sorted out video charts tabs issue.I forgot to change the.... class="p_choice_active"....part
