solved Item Tags not incrementing count

5 years ago
26 posts
So, I tag a blog post, but the tag count still shows 0 no matter how many tags I add. When you click on the tag icon, the tags all show up, and you can click on them and get the list of things with the same tag, but no matter what I do, the number of tags always shows "0". Which, essentially means, no one will ever think / see the tags, no one will use them... I've run an integrity check; I verified I have the latest version. How is this supposed to work?
updated by @jrblack1175: 07/21/20 04:17:55PM
5 years ago
2,800 posts

I'm seeing the same in the FollowMe skin, I'll get a ticket open for this.



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
26 posts
5 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm checking this out.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
2,800 posts
This is fixed for the next release of the FollowMe skin


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
26 posts
Will that fix Elastic 2 as well?
5 years ago
2,800 posts
Will that fix Elastic 2 as well?

I'm not seeing a tag count setup in Elastic2... is this something custom you've added?


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
2,800 posts
No. Is that the issue? Tags work but don’t increment in the skin? That’s a little...odd.

The tag count in the FollowMe skin is custom and specific to that skin.

You can check out how it is done in FollowMe skin and apply it to your skin if you like.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
5 years ago
26 posts
Interesting concept. Design a skin that will show the little tag icons, and while the function itself works - adding them, clicking on them... But didn’t bother to add the ability to see them as part of the blog post - rendering them more or less moot. So, I need to add a custom ability... And I can view how it’s done, where? How? And will I have to add it back if/when there are updates to the skin?

Other sw providers - if the skin doesn’t support all the features, it’s not released until it does. I’m just amazed...
5 years ago
10,149 posts
Interesting concept. Design a skin that will show the little tag icons, and while the function itself works - adding them, clicking on them... But didn’t bother to add the ability to see them as part of the blog post - rendering them more or less moot. So, I need to add a custom ability... And I can view how it’s done, where? How? And will I have to add it back if/when there are updates to the skin?

Other sw providers - if the skin doesn’t support all the features, it’s not released until it does. I’m just amazed...

Sorry this is proving frustrating for you. Jamroom works a bit differently than other frameworks you might have used before, in that you can do A LOT more than it seems on the surface. While other frameworks are going to do like you mention (don't support anything unless it shows on the site), Jamroom is used as a "core" for sites that don't even output HTML. There is a huge amount of flexibility in the templates - frankly more than can be "crammed" in to a single template, and it all depends on WHAT you want to do. Once the concept of template functions is understood, you can literally do anything you want - you're not restricted by those things we've "thought of" ahead of time.

We know this causes more initial friction for a lot of users that are looking for something that is more "plug and play" but to be 100% honest with you, we get a lot of "refugees" from these other systems when they run in to a brick wall with what can and cannot be done on their other system.

Can you let me know what you mean by this:

didn’t bother to add the ability to see them as part of the blog post

It's not clear to me what you're looking to do. You can add 50 tags to a blog post if you want, then those posts will show up in the tags section so you can see them grouped together. Maybe you're wanting to use them in a way we haven't seen before?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
26 posts
I’m not asking it to work any other way than how it should be designed. The tags say 0 no matter how many are there. See screenshots.

If the tag shows 0, no one will click there to see there are actually tags. So, they may “work” but no one will use them. I just do not comprehend why this would be DESIGNED to work this way unless I custom update it.

To be clear, when I go to the blog post, no tags show up. I have to click the tag icon to see them (as if I was going to add more). I would prefer it if they would just show up in a little group at the bottom as soon as I go there. But, my point is if people have to click on the tag icon to see the tags, they will not do so if it shows 0 tags.

It just seems like something doesn’t work right here.
updated by @jrblack1175: 04/22/20 08:38:54AM
5 years ago
10,149 posts
OK got it - you're simply talking about the COUNT of the number of tags on the item. For some reason I thought you were talking about not being able to find tagged items.

The number of tags on the item will be available in the "blog_tags_count" key (if this is a blog entry, it would be "audio_tags_count" if it was an audio file, "video_tags_counts" if it was a video entry, etc.).

Which template are you adding these counts to? (the one from your first screenshot above).

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
26 posts
I don’t know. It seemed like an out of the box function for a blog. I need to know where to go to make it work. I just installed this sw, and it didn’t seem like custom coding would be required to tag blogs and then see the tags.

So, you tell me what files I need to go update because I just don’t know how this system works that well yet.
5 years ago
10,149 posts
I don’t know. It seemed like an out of the box function for a blog. I need to know where to go to make it work. I just installed this sw, and it didn’t seem like custom coding would be required to tag blogs and then see the tags.

You can always see the tags - but that's not what you're talking about - you're talking about the COUNT. I've attached a screenshot of a blog post with 2 tags I just created, using Elastic 2. You can see the tags.

In the screenshot you posted you can see the tag ("Holiday Story"), so again I'm not sure what you mean. My assumption is you are talking about the COUNT next to the small tag icon showing "0" instead of "1" - is that correct?
20200422-084308.jpg  •  91KB

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
26 posts
The tags don’t show up until I click the icon. Like I was going to add more tags. The 2nd screenshot is what you see when you first go to the blog post. As opposed to Tumblr, Livejournal, Wordpress - where they’re visible when you go to the blog post. The reason I’m so adamant about the count is because the tags aren’t there until you click the icon.
5 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah something is messed up - are you using Elastic2? Your screenshots don't look like Elastic2, so my assumption has been you already customized it, but based on our back and forth that does not seem like the case. If you're NOT using Elastic 2, I'd recommend switching over to it since I think it will work more like you're looking for. If you're using Follow Me, Follow Me is not really designed as a blogging skin.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
5 years ago
26 posts
My admin console says it’s Elastic 2
5 years ago
26 posts
Ok. Maybe not. I’ll go check Follow Me, then. It seemed like the one on top was highlighted, but when I look at Elastc 2, it’s blue...?
5 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah Follow Me is active - click on "Elastic 2", scroll down and CHECK the "Set as Active Skin" and save. Then reset caches.

I'd recommend at this stage using a desktop instead of mobile - you'll have an easier time.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
